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Chapter 15: Home

"You only have a couple days left, dad. It won't be that bad."

Dad: "I feel like I've spent a century in this hospital!"

Mom: "It has only been three days, Keith."

My dad sighs as we make another turn around the halls of the cardiac ward. Dad, holding onto his IV pole and mom, holding onto his hand.

Mom: "Katy, you've really spent too much time here. Don't you have important music things to attend to?"

"Are you trying to get rid of me or something?"

I smirk.

"Music can wait for a little bit. I want to be here for dad."

Mom: "And you have been. The doctor said he's going to make a full recovery as long as he watches his diet. Angela hasn't even been here this much."

"Well she has Svend and Stella!"

Dad: "Well you have your animals. And John."

"Yeah. I do... I promise if I absolutely have to, I'll go back."

My voice trails off at the end of my sentence as my thoughts turn to John. I haven't spoken to him again since he came to the hospital yesterday after his two day disappearance.

I'm nervous to talk to him. Although I don't know why. I don't feel angry towards him. I forgave him. Something just feels.. Different.

Mom: "Katheryn! Watch where you're going!"

"Oh my god! Sorry!"

I yelp as I nearly run into the ninety-year-old lady with her walker and heart monitor. I hear her mumble 'prude pop-star' under her breath. Everyone knows that 'Katy Perry is at the UCLA hospital for her father,' so I've had to bring a few body guards here, just to be safe. And let's just say, not the entire cardiac floor is happy with it.

Mom: "See Katy, you're so tired that you're running into patients. Now please go home and at least take a nap. That chair probably hasn't been the most comfortable thing to sleep in the past few nights."

"Mom, really, I'm-"

Mom: "You need sleep. Your dad and I are fine. You can leave a couple of those large men with us, if that will make you feel better."

Looking at my phone and seeing the dark bags under my eyes, I listen to my mother and head home.

As I creek open my front door, the sound of little paws and a jingling collar come my way.

"Aww! Hi, Butters! How have you been, baby? Has John been taking good care of you?"

I pick up Butters and walk over to pet Monkey and Kitty who are laying on their cat castle, not bothering to get up at my arrival.

John: "Hey beautiful!"

He makes me jump as he kisses my cheek from behind.

"Oh! Hi."

John: "How's your dad?"

"He's doing a lot better. Doc says he should be able to go home in a couple days."

John: "Good!"

He goes to sit on the couch and grabs my hand, pulling me with him.


I squeal as I fall onto John's lap. He wraps his arms around me and his hand caresses my inner thigh as he begins kissing my neck.

"Really? I'm disgusting right now! I haven't showered in three days and probably reek like hospital."

John: "It's an aphrodisiac, baby. Besides, I've missed you."

John's hand moves up my leg and I feel chills go up my spine.

I've missed him too.

I turn my head into his and lightly kiss his lips. I rotate my body and hug my knees tightly around his legs, straddling him and kissing him more passionately.

My hands slide down his chest when I feel something furry. I pull away from John's lips to see Butters looking up at me, wagging his tail.

"What? Were you feeling left out?"

I laugh and get up off of John and set her on the ground.

John: "Wait, that's it?"

"I told you, I need to shower. Now I forgot my purse, so I'm going to run out to my car to grab it and when I get back, I want it ready; hot and steamy. Oh, and turn the shower on too."

I wink at John as I head out the front door and he practically sprints up the stairs.

As I get to my car in the driveway, I realize I locked my keys in my car.


I think John has one of my spare keys in his car. I'll just use that one.

I pull on the handle of his truck.

It's unlocked.

Figures. Does he not realize we're not in small town Montana?

I open the glove box and find my spare key under some papers.

Yes! Thank goodness it's here!

I grab the key and close the glove box. When I go to shut car the door, my eye catches something bright underneath the seat.

As I grab onto it and pull it out from under the seat, my heart stops once I realize what it is.

A/N: Thanks to my readers! Sorry I've been very delayed on updating. Comment what you think Katy pulled out from under the seat!

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