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Chapter 13: Patient

I pull up to the parking lot of the hospital. I notice my hands are slightly shaking as take them off the wheel after I park my car.

Cardiac wing. Third floor. That's where I need to go.

I grab my things and run inside. Several people notice me and ask for an autograph and picture, I politely tell them now is not the time.

As I make it to the third floor, the elevator door opens and I see my mom, sister, and brother sitting in the waiting room. David looks up and sees me.

David: "Katy!"

He runs over and hugs me. I look up and see Angela and give her a tight hug. We walk over and sit by my mom, who is reading her bible. I gently set my hand on hers and kiss her forehead.

Mom: "Hi, Katy."

"How is he? Where is he? What's the update?"

David: "Turns out it's what we thought. A myocardial infarction."

Angela: "A heart attack, if you want to put it in understandable terms."

Mom: "He's in surgery now."

"What? Surgery? No one told me anything about that!"

David: "They just took him back. Turns out the blockage was worse than they thought. They're performing a coronary artery bypass."

"A what? Is that bad? What is the risk? Is he going to be okay?"

Mom: "Yes. We hope."

"Well can I get you anything, mom? Tea? Coffee? Food? Ooo vending machine food! I'll get you that!"

Mom: "Katy, I'm fine. I don't need anything."

Angie: "Besides, we already asked. Several times."

"I just feel like I need to do something. I need to help."

Angie: "I know. But there's nothing we can do, except wait."

We all sigh and sit there for a few minutes staring off into space. Until my mom breaks the silence.

Mom: "Katy, where is John at?"

"Oh, uh, he'll be here later."


Mom: "Hmm, okay. God be with him. And us."

"I'll be right back."

I step out of the waiting room and pull out my phone to call John. Straight to voice mail again. I decide to leave a message:

"Hey, John. Where are you? My dad is in the hospital. He had a heart attack. He's in surgery right now. He should be okay. We hope. John, I really need you here. I know you're mad, I understand. I just need you. Please call back."

I go over to the vending machine, shove in a crinkled dollar, and get some Flaming Hot Cheetos. When I walk back to the waiting room, my siblings give me a weird look.

"What? There's never a bad time for these."

I sit down next to my sister and rest my head on her shoulder and her head rests on my head. My eyes begin to close.

I wake up to my brother smacking my leg.

"Ow! What, David?"

He looks at me and points at the doctor.


Doctor: "Sorry to wake you. I just thought you all should know that Mr. Hudson is out of surgery. The surgery went well and he will make a full recovery. He just needs to watch his diet. We'd only like one visitor in there now, so maybe his wife?"

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