Chapter 27

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Isabellas POV

It's Sunday. It's Ethan's last day today and I have school tomorrow. I got dressed and went downstairs. Ethan and my dad were already eating breakfast. I sat down and ate.

"What were you guys doing up so early?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." My dad said. Ethan nodded. "We were just talking about my business trip I have today."

"You're leaving." I sighed.

"Yea it'll only be three days though." He served me more pancakes. "And Kira is coming to watch after you." Kira is my cousin. She's 19 years old. We're really close. I'm fine with her staying she's super chill.

"Ok." I sighed again. I really don't want my dad to leave. "When are you leaving?"

"Later tonight after I bring Ethan back." He said. No one said anything after that.

"Ethan do you want to go outside." I asked him after we finished eating.

"Yea sure." We got up and went outside. Daisy was out there. She ran up to us. My dads house really didn't have anything outside except a pool and a couple of benches. Ethan and I sat on the bench.

Ethan's POV

My mind has really been wrapped around the idea of running away somewhere. I don't know why.

"Bella about running away, where would we go if we did?"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter as long as I'm with you." That made me blush. She pinched my cheek.

"I was thinking about maybe la." Her jaw dropped. She didn't say anything.

"Gray and I can pursue our YouTube career and don't have to deal with anybody." I grabbed her hands.

"Ethan, t-that's across the country." She was right maybe it was too far.

"I know but just think about it. It doesn't have to be now it can be whenever. I'll wait." She pecked my lips. It started to rain so we went inside. We watched movies until her dad said we had to get going.

Isabellas POV

We started putting Ethan's bag in the trunk of the car. We then got in the car and drove off. It was about a 4-5 hour drive. So let the journey begin. Ethan and I sat in the back while my dad drove. I got pretty tired so I fell asleep on Ethan's shoulder. I'm going to miss him a lot. We got there and it felt like 5 minutes, since I fell asleep. We got out of the car. I helped him bring his bags inside. We walked up to his room.

"So this is goodbye for awhile I guess." I hugged him tightly.

"Yes but I'll keep visiting you and I hope you can visit me sometime." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yea. I love you." I kissed him.

"I love you too." He kissed back. I then had to leave or my dad will be late for his trip. I didn't cry that much this time. I just had a few tears in the car. I took another nap. We got home and Kira was already there.

"Hey Kira." I hugged her.

"Hi Bella, hi uncle bill." She waved. My dad got dressed in his suit. He came out of his room and gave me a hug.

"Goodbye Bella I'll miss you."

"Bye dad I'll miss you too. I love you. Call me when you land safely."

"I love you too Bella and I will." He kissed my forehead and left. I sat down with Kira and we caught up with stuff. She's also an only child so I'm like her little sister. She's like my older sister. I didn't tell her about Amber because I'm done with all that stuff. It's all in the past. It got really late so I went to bed.

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