Chapter 28

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Isabellas POV

3 days later

My dad called a couple of days ago and said he landed safely. Today he is coming back. I'm so excited. He called me and said he was about to take off. Now I just have to wait for another call to say he landed back in New York. I don't ever know where he goes because it's always a secret, so I never know how long it'll take for him to get back. About 10 minutes later I got a call from dad. Well that was fast.

"Hey dad what's up."

"Bella don't freak out but my plane is crashing down." I heard screaming in the back.

"W-what." I started hyperventilating.

"Bella just know I love you. Everything will be ok I promise." I knew he was lying about everything be ok.

"I love you too dad." I heard a loud noise and then it cut off. I dropped my phone and I slid down the wall to the floor. I just heard my dad die. I couldn't breathe because I was crying so much. Kira walked in.

"Oh my god what happened." She sat next to me. I still couldn't talk.

"M-my d-dads plane just crashed and I-I heard all of it. H-he's gone." I started crying harder. Kira hugged me.

"Shh it's alright muffin. I'll leave you alone for awhile." Kira has always called me muffin since I was a baby. She just called me it once and it just kinda sticked.

I FaceTime Ethan. My eyes were red and puffy from crying all day.

"What's wrong Bella." He seemed worry. I started crying again. I told him what happened. He even let out a tear or two. Does this mean I have to live with my mom? No I can't do that.

"Ethan I'm ready to run away."

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