Chapter 37

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Isabellas POV

Today is my 2nd month checkup. Ethan is driving to the doctors. I'm really nervous I haven't told my mom yet, mainly because I have my talked to her in like years. We got to the doctors and Ethan pecked my lips. "Everything will be fine." He said in a soothing voice. I smiled and walked in side.

"Bella Dawson." The nurse called. I went into the room and laid on the chair.

"I'm going to put some gel on you it may feel really cold." She said and it was cold all right. But we saw our baby on the screen. Ethan didn't take his eyes off of the screen.

"Ohhh." The nurse.

"What is there something wrong?" Ethan asked getting worried, I rubbed his hand.

"Well congratulations, it looks like you'll be having twins." The nurse said cleaning off the gel. Ethan got a huge smile on his face. "Do twins run in the family." The nurse asked, she was so sweet. Her name is Jane.

"Yea, actually Ethan here is a twin." I said.

"Oh well nice to know and congratulations again." Jane said walking out of the room. I looked over at Ethan who seemed so happy.

"I can't believe we're having twins! They're going to be just like me and Grayson." He stared jumping up and down and rubbing my belly.

"I know I'm so excited!" I added. We went to the apartment and gray was on the couch eating chips.

"So how'd it go?" He said shoving a chip in his mouth.

"Well we found out that..." Ethan said.

"Found out what? Is it bad? Oh god." Gray said getting up.

"We're having twins!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my god no way." Gray said. I then showed him the ultrasound picture to prove it. He started jumping up and down and hugged Ethan.

"Congratulations bro." He than hugged me. "I'm gonna be an uncle to 2 kids." He had a huge smile on his face.

"I think gray is more excited for them then we are." I jokingly said and everyone laughed. Ethan and I went to our room to FaceTime his mom and tell her the news. She answered the call almost immediately.

"Hey guys. How are you holding up Bella." She said waving at us.

"I'm doing great, we actually found out something today."I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"We're having twins mom!" Ethan said.

"Oh my godddd!" She shrieked in a happy way. "Oh boy good luck bella." She pretended to wipe off sweat on her forehead. She the continued to tell us embarrassing stories of Ethan when he was a kid. I was laughing really hard and Ethan's face was really red from embarrassment. I kissed his cheek and we said good bye to his mom. I got really tired so I passed out on my bed. I then felt Ethan kiss my belly and say "goodnight babies". He's going to be a great dad.

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