Chapter 43

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Isabellas POV

Being a mom was the best job in the world. Bailey and Grant are now 6 months old today. Bailey is definitely a daddy's girl and Grant is a mamas boy. Ethan is so good with both of them. Mary and gray have accepted that their gonna be parents. They're having a baby girl. They're coming over today to hang out. I think we're going to have a pool day.I was getting dressed when I heard Ethan waking up.

"Good morning babe." I said walking over to him and kissing his cheek.

"Good morning gorgeous." He said getting up and going to our bathroom. I then heard one of the kids cry. I went out to the hallway and it was bailey. I walked in to her room and I did everything to try to stop her from crying.

"ETHAN." I yelled. He came running in.

"What is there something wrong."

"Bailey won't stop crying."

"Here let me see." He said reaching his hands out. I gave her to him and she instantly quiet down.

"What?" I said in a jealous tone. Ethan smirked and carried her downstairs. I went to go get Grant. He was laying peacefully in his crib. I changed his diaper and brought him downstairs. We both laid them down on the floor on their little mat thing. They were rolling around and playing with their toys.

"So what do you want to do today?" Ethan asked.

"Well I invited Mary and gray over and I though we would have a pool day." I said grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"Sounds good." Ethan said cooking breakfast.

"We can drop off the twins at your mom house so that way we can relax." I said. Ethan smirked at me and nodded his head. We finished eating and Ethan called his mom to see if she can watch the twins for the day. She agreed to so Ethan and I started packing their little bag and brought everything to the car. We arrived at the house and we knocked.

"Hey guys come in." Lisa (Ethan's mom) said while hugging us. She took the babies from us and started playing with them.

"Thanks again mom." Ethan said and I nodded my head.

"No problem kids, now go along and do whatever you need to do." She said. Ethan and I went back to the car and went back to our house. We set everything up for Mary and gray to come over. After a few minutes they came.

"Hey guys." I said hugging them. Even though we live next to each other, they never come around. Ethan and I are the one that have to go visit them. We all greeted each other and went out to our pool. We all stood there and looked at each other.

"Well I'm not going in first." Mary said putting her hands up.

"I'm not either." I said. Next thing you know Ethan had his arms around me and threw me into the pool. Luckily I grabbed him and he fell in with me.

"Remember how we used to do that when we were younger." Ethan said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yea I do." I smiled and started kissing him. I heard gray and Mary making gagging noises in the back.

"Oh shut up you're pregnant, I wonder how that happened." I said which made Ethan giggle. After a while gray and Mary came in the pool.

"I'm bored do you guys want to go the hot tub." I said. Everyone nodded and started getting out of the pool. As I was getting out Ethan walked behind me and spanked my butt.

"Ahh oh my god I hate you." I said laughing and trying to keep a straight face.

"Cmon you loved it." He smirked. I just kiddingly slapped his shoulder. We got in the pool and started hanging out.

"I'm hungry so you guys want me to order a pizza." Ethan said. Everyone nodded and he got up to get his phone. Gray follows right after him.

"So Mary how's the bump going."

"It's actually really nice to feel them kick. Thank you for staying with me through this whole thing."

"No problem you did the same for me."

Ethan's POV

I went to go order a pizza and gray follows behind me. He either has something to tell me or he just really wants to hangout with me.

"What's up bro. How's the whole pregnancy thing going." I asked after ordering a pizza.

"You were right bro. Hearing the heart beat and feeling her kick is one of the best feelings in the world. I followed you to thank you. Thank you for everything bro."

"No problem bro, now just wait till you actually get to hold her. Like when I held bailey my whole world lit up and Grant to but there's just something about bailey." I said.

"It's cause you're a dad you're probably gonna be a stereotypical dad and be super protective about their daughter." He said laughing.

"Yea probably." I laughed and nudged his shoulder. "Let's go back now."

Authors note

Thank you so much for 160 reads this is insane thank you all so much.

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