Chapter 2

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[T O N Y]

I pushed a blunt to my lips and was ready to light up, until Carmen took the shit right from between my lips and threw it in the trash. Fuck was she doing ! It ain't like good weed ain't expensive, the fuck ?

"Carmen what the fuck ?" She crossed her arms and looked towards the baby, sleeping soundly in the middle of our bed. "Anthony you can't be smoking around our damn child, and cut that cussing shit out too."

See, I don't know why Carmen was trying to act like a good mother and shit, my son could come out the womb cussing, and I ain't mind that shit. I mean hey, he is my seed you know. "Cammy I don't even know why you tripping, the lil nigga can't even comprehend words at this point."

Carmen was a damn hypocrite too. If anybody cussed just as much as I did, it was her ! And it ain't like she ain't puff and pass a couple times ! "Because Tone..I just want our son to be right. You know ?" She poked her bottom lip out and crawled in the bed with Stephon. ( A/N: I love the name Stephon and that's what I wanna name my child ❤️ )

I sighed and rolled my eyes, shrugging out of my clothes and climbing into the bed with my two favorite people. Carmen rested her head on my chest while Stephon rested in between us, his little head propped on Carmen's stomach.

It's been about 2 weeks since Carmen and my little man been out the hospital. I wasn't really allowed to see them because they complained that Carmen needed a lot of rest and her and Stephon needed "bonding time". But what about me ? That's my damn son too, I helped create the little nigga.

"Baby..why have you been smoking so much lately anyway ?" Carmen piped up and started to play with Stephon's hair. Even though he was just 2 weeks old, he had a damn full head of curly light brown hair. I don't know where his light ass hair came from, but it was pretty cute. And ignore that I said cute, cause I ain't gay.

"I just...I mean work be tiresome bae. It's stressful too." I easily lied, and let the words settle into the quiet room. I didn't want to lie to Carmen..but this secret had to be kept. I didn't wanna stress her out..she just did have my little man.

"Mhmm..well just come home and relax instead of staying out all night, you know I'll cook for you baby..bubble baths..anything Anthony." I sighed at her words and cursed at myself on the inside. A nigga was fucking up big time. "Okay you. You know that right ?" I kissed her forehead and gave her a half smile.

Carmen gave me a hesitating look, but smiled and closed her eyes. "I love you too Tony."


After Carmen fell asleep, I felt my phone vibrate. Easing her off of my chest, I slid off the bed and picked up Stephon, putting him in his crib and leaving the door open.

"Hello ?" Her background was loud and I wondered where the fuck was she at with all that noise. "Hey Tone ! You coming to meet me tonight right ?" I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and sighed as I got quiet. "Yeah...I'll be there in about 20 minutes."

Sherry hung up the phone after saying alright, and I rubbed my hands down my face. It wasn't any use in procrastinating..I went into the bathroom and started to get ready to go meet Sherry.

I only asked for one thing as I started my car, and that was for god to please forgive me...


What do you think Tony is doing ?

Who the hell is Sherry ?

Awh cammy and little Stephon so cute ❤️❤️

V O T E.

Thanks for reading loves

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