Chapter 14

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[C A R M E N]

As the plane landed, I quickly rushed to the drop off office. When I say I was geeked as fuck, I was really geeked as fuck ! I couldn't wait to see everybody, it's been so damn long ! I tugged on Tony's wrist as he grabbed our luggage, trying to keep up with me.

"Baby calm yo ass down, we gone see everybody in just a minute !" I pouted and crossed my arms. I didn't want another damn minute, I wanted to see everybody NOW ! I tugged on Tony's wrist harder, and this time he complied putting a pep in his step.

"Nooooo I wanna see everybody now !" I waved my hand as I saw a taxi and got some money out, quickly running up to the yellow and black checkered car. I stuffed Tony and our luggage inside as I crawled in next to him.

I handed the taxi driver the money and sat back as he started the long drive back to Central. I leaned my head on Tony's shoulder as I watched the buildings pass us by.

"How do you think everybody gone react when they see us bae ?" Tony started to rub circles in my side with his thumbs, pressing his lips to my forehead.

"I don't know baby it's been so long.." I nodded against his shoulder and pressed my lips against the side of his mouth. "Baby remember when both of our hair color was black ?" My hair was auburn now and Tony had grew his hair back out. He had a brown patch of color in his hair and I loved that shit.

Anthony cracked a smile and laughed, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pressing his lips against my neck. "Mmm, yes baby.." I moaned quietly as Tony's hands went under my sweats. I felt myself start to get wet as he sucked on a sensitive spot on my neck.

My breathing sped up and I sighed in Tony's ear. "A-Anthony !" I moaned loud as shit as his hand brushed against my clit. Fucckkkkkkkk.

The car came to a stop and me and Tony jumped at the taxi driver stared back at us. Shit. "We at the destination." Tony nodded and handed him a tip. "My bad about that.." I blushed beet red as the taxi driver laughed. "It's cool bruh."

I tugged my suitcase in one hand and held onto to Tony's with my other. We were walking up the block leading to Anthony's mom house. Man I missed her like shit. Her home cooked meals..and even her constant worrying about me.

Tony put his key in the door and unlocked it, taking a deep breath. "You ready baby ? No turning back.." I smiled as tears of happiness started to climb down my cheeks. God I missed this house so fucking much. I nodded and squeezed Tony's hand.

He opened the door and set our suitcases down, locking the door behind him. All the lights were off and everything was quiet as fuck. Was anybody even here ? We looked around the house, every room being completely empty.

Finally, we decided to look in the basement. Tony flipped the light switch on and I almost had a damn heart attack. "SURPRISE !" Everybody jumped out of their hiding spaces, blowing into streamers and throwing confetti out.

Anthony's mother and father opened their arms lovingly. I looked over to see Tony shedding tears, almost as much as me ! We both ran up to them, squeezing them in a bear grip.

"Fuck Ma I missed you so damn much !" Tony pulled his mom into a personal hug and then later brung his father into it. I smiled at the family and felt a little left out.

Considering the fact that my mom and brother were kinda pained me to see the family bonding. "No mires princesa tan sola, papá está aquí también." I turned at the sound of Spanish and ran up to my dad, squeezing him in my arms. "Papá, I missed you. Oh my god.." I continued to hug the life out of him until she started making suffocating sounds, shit.

Before I knew it, I was tackled and a familiar scent hit my nose. I uncovered my face to see Jay big ass on top of me. "Damn little sister you look so different, I miss yo ass man !" I sat up and squeezed the fuck out of Jay, smiling as she squeezed me just as hard.

He climbed off of me and I frantically searched around for Sasha. "Where's Sasha ?!?!" Jay smiled at my loud ass question and ruffled my hair. "She's at the hospital, she'll be back in a moment." At the word hospital, I naturally started to worry.

"What's wrong with her is she okay ?!" Jay smiled and winked, gay ass. "That's a secret lil girl." I rolled my eyes and pushed past Jay with a smile as more people started to greet me. I seem Darius, NuNu, my dad's girlfriend, my aunts and some of Tony's family.

I was tired and kinda sore from all the tight hugs. I searched around for Tony and smiled as I found him sitting down on the couch.

I plopped myself in his lap and leaned back against his chest as he pressed soothing kissing on the back of my neck. "Enjoying the little surprise party baby?" I nodded and joined my hands with his, closing my eyes. "Yaaaaasssss ! But I didn't see Sasha. When I see that bitch Ima smack her ass then hug the life out of her."

Anthony chuckled and wrapped our joined hands around me tightly. You'll see her before tomorrow, I promise.

I got comfortable on Tony's lap as sleep started to tug on my consciousness.

It really felt good to be back at home..

V O T E ❤️


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