Not an Update

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Sorry for the basically useless notification but something has came to my attention.

You know usually, I love to hear what people think and half the time, I don't mind bashful and hating ass comments because I don't give a fuck.

But certain shit y'all say starting to get on my nerves.

For one, don't tell me how you don't like something, because it's easy as hell for you to stop reading and unfollow me.

Two, if you gone make comments on the characters, I really don't mind. In fact I encourage you to be honest. But saying shit like like "Carmen dumb for staying with Anthony." I mean that don't bother me, but at the same time it do. And I only say that because i know what it feels like.

I know what it feels like to be with somebody and love them to the point where you would do anything for them. And I know how it feels for them to fuck up time after time, and how it feels to be lied to and cheated on.

Do you know how fucking hard it is to look in the eyes of the person you love/loved and tell him you don't want to do it any more ? Do you know how hard it is to call it quits with someone who meant the world to you ? If you don't, then take the time to realize what you're saying before you comment it.

As for correcting my grammatical errors and what not, I don't mind. Half the time I don't go back and fix my errors cause I'm a lazy muhfucka 😂 but you know, I'll fix them if you all ask me. I'm sucker for my readers y'all know that [insert cute blush here.].

But that's all I wanted to touch up on..I'm sorry if I sound rude, or if this causes a lot of y'all to want to stop reading. If you do, then I'm not sorry for that. It's plenty of books on Wattpad that you can read.

But anyhow, that's all I wanted to touch up on...

If ya mad than oh well, if not. Thanks for being loyal readers 💋

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