Chapter 9; Where's Stephon?

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[C A R M E N]

Once Tony picked me up, I climbed into the front seat and huffed. "Baby what's wrong ? Why you out of class so early ?" Tony asked as he turned the radio down. "I couldn't do it...I felt self conscious the entire time I was in the room.." I turned around to see if Stephon would be happy to see his mommy, but he wasn't even in the backseat to begin with !

"Tony where the hell is Stephon ?" Tony rolled his eyes and started to drive off somewhere. "I left him with our play date partner, I trust her and I've been knowing her since we moved here, so calm yo pussy baby damn." I shook my head but didn't say anything else about the matter.

Tony grabbed my thigh as he drove and looked over to me. "Baby why you so worried ?" I wanted to smack the shit out of him, but I resisted and prayed to The Lord. "Anthony you left my fucking child with some person I don't even KNOW !" I screamed at him and he stopped the car in front of some big ass park.

"But I know her ! And chill with that yelling shit, I'm not trying to argue with you today." I opened the car door and stepped out, slamming the door behind me and walking into the park. Tony never thinks with his head. You don't leave yo child with anybody but family ! And at times not even that ! I shook my head and searched around for my little Stephon.

He was still so small..he couldn't even walk yet, how was I suppose to find him without even knowing where to start ?! I sighed in frustration and I felt a hand grip my arm tight as hell. "Carmen, don't fucking slam my car door like that, and don't walk away from me. You hear me ?" He pulled me closer to him and left wet hot kisses down the side of my neck.

Oh lawd not in front of all these kids.."T-Tony stop..Now is not the time! We need to find our child!" Instead of stopping, he did the opposite and brung his other arm around my waist. "Why baby? You like it don't you.." I swallowed the moan that tried to come up and pulled away from Tony. "Right now we need to find Stephon, sex can wait, I promise."

Tony bit on his lip and smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me to a smaller part of the huge ass park. It was baby proofed and themed with red and white. But the problem was, I saw Stephon's car seat. And even his pacifier and bottle, but I didn't see my fucking baby !

Tony got an unsettling look on his face and took out his phone. "Hello ? Neicey where the fuck are you and Stephon ?!" I watched as Tony argued with some girl on the phone before hanging up and holding his face in his hands.

"Sherry...Sherry got him Carmen..." I instantly felt like hitting something. This bitch about to get killed. "The fuck that bitch at ? Took my damn son ? I'm Finna kill this bitch I swear." Tony tried to calm me down, but I swear I was on 10.

"Anthony Johnson, I swear to god if you don't find where that girl at, I will kill her when I find her." This was all Tony's fault to begin with ! If he wasn't fucking around with her this shit wouldn't even be happening ! What did Stephon even do to deserve this man..

I started thinking about my little boy and instantly broke out into tears. I don't need this shit right now, and if I don't get my son back, I put this on god I'm fucking going to jail !


Tony tried calling the Sherry bitch back to back, but she wouldn't answer. I knew it was something that Tony wasn't telling me, and I was about to smack the shit out of him. I'm only 17, there should be no reason for me to be stressing !

Then you shouldn't have had a child at 17..

My conscious kicked in and I instantly started to cry. I shouldn't have brung a child in this world that I couldn't take care of..I shouldn't have ever laid down to make it if I couldn't even be the best mother to it.

Stephon man...where are you ?

Mommy needs you..


Damn that was deep !

How did Sheri even get Stephon ?

What do you think will happen next ?

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Thank you for reading my loves.

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