Chapter 27

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[ S H E R R Y ]

When I got the call from Anthony's weird ass father, I was happy as hell. Finally that bitch Carmen would get what she gave me. I didn't kill that damn baby..I didn't..I shook my head, getting rid of those thoughts and pulled up at the place Mr.Johnson told me to meet him at. It was darkly lit and creepy as fuck. I just wanted to do my business and get the hell out of here.

I walked up to the door and opened it with the keys he had given me a week before. The room smelt weird, but was very well lit. Two niggas who were buff as hell were dressed in black and sat on the further side of the room. "Finally you're here. The boss has been waiting for you girl." The lighter one stood up and I visibly flinched. That was one big ass dude !

"O-oh ? I'm sorry.." He nodded and the other one stood up, smiling slightly, but had a cold stare. They were giving me bad ass vibes.."It's fine. We need to be quick or he'll get angry." They led me too a room where Mr.Johnson and Carmen were in. The walls were painted a light grey with white detailing the rest of the room. The floors were a very light wood, and it had one window that looked to be as if it was nailed shut. I noticed a box of condoms and other things resting on the other side of the room, next to the California king bed that was huge as hell.

"Sherry..I've been waiting for you. Your 5 minutes late." I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything, waiting for him to continue talking. He didn't like when people talked around him to much..and he was creepy too, so I didn't like talking around him either.

"After my men here finish, you are free to do whatever you want to the bitch. Just make sure that I get my right amount of money, which is 25,000 straight." My father was rich and did a lot of business deals, so he sent me a lot of money. I nodded towards him and reflected on what he said. Wait...Those two dudes...were going to rape her ? He didn't tell me that! But wait ? Why do I care..this bitch deserves what's coming to her.

I looked over to her to see that her mouth had been taped up. Her nose had dried blood crinkling out of it, and her eye was just a tinge swollen. She was handcuffed to a chair and her hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail. I almost felt bad for her..I was gonna fuck up that pretty face, and the two niggas were going to fuck up her pretty body.

Karma is a bitch.

"Let me know when you're finished." Mr.Johnson stood up and left the room, and the two niggas started to undress themselves. I didn't want to witness what was about to go down, so I excused myself and sat down in the living room, wondering where Mr.Johnson had went..

[ C A R M E N ]

I was crying, hard, pulling at my restraints and trying to get out of this damned chair. The two men were stripping out of their clothes, slowly as if they wanted to torture me. I was afraid of what they were going to do, and I needed to get the fuck out of here fast.

What the hell is wrong with Tony's father ?! I knew I should've told him when this shit first started ! I knew it ! Damnit Carmen you're so fucking stupid ! Stupid ! I continued to beat myself up and darted my eyes around the room, looking for something to help me get the fuck out of this mess.

Prior to this bullshit, Anthony's father had made me call and leave a voicemail. I knew Tony turned his phone off because he was at the hospital with Sasha, but there wasn't any service there anyway. He held a phone to my ear and pressed a knife to my throat and threatened me. He said that if I didn't make a fake voicemail, telling Tony to come here and that I was safe with friends, that he would kill me. I thought about just letting him kill me to save Tony. I couldn't bare something happening to him and it being my damned fault.

I cried harder as one of the dudes ripped the tape off of my mouth and caressed the side of my face, letting my hair loose and wiping my tears. "Such a pretty female..I almost don't want to do this. And you're so young..only 2o..I bet your tight as hell, got a pretty pussy too.." He whispered and I screwed my eyes shut, wanting to scream at him not to touch me. "Aye man yo can't have all the fun !" The other darker male unlocked my hand cuffs and stood me up, running his hands through my hair.

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