Chapter 19; The Apology

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[ T O N Y ]

My body was sore, sore as shit. I turned on my side and saw auburn hair all in my face. Carmen was sprawled out on top of me, naked as hell and snoring like a mf nigga. I laughed and moved some of her hair out of her face. I could've swore that we went to bed under the covers and that her scarf was still on.

Last night was..different for me. It's like my mind was in some sort of haze. I mean I know we had sex, that much was obvious cause my room smelled like straight sex and sweat. But I didn't feel the rush and rough shit. I felt...soft and shit like a pussy.

Carmen started to move her body and moaned, finally sitting up against the headboard. "Mmm, GoodMorning princess." I pulled her back down on the bed and kissed her lips, moving my hands down her body and massaging her pussy.

"T-Tony don't start..I'm tireddddd !" She groaned and I rolled my eyes, moving my hand away from her cat and licking her juices off my fingers. "Mhmm, you tell me you don't want to but you wet."

Carmen blushed and banged a pillow against my face, scowling while trying to get away from me. "S-shut up..don't touch me Tony.." I grinned and stood up, stretching my muscles and staring at Carmen who was wrapped up in the covers.

"I'm not ,hush, damn I gave you that many hickeys ? What was up with me last night.." I grabbed a quick fit and walked out the room, heading to the bathroom. I didn't even look back because I knew Carmen was following like the faithful little dog she is. I swear, she could be the cutest little house wife...

She stepped in behind me and closed the door, putting her clean clothes on the sink next to mine. "Speaking of last night, what was up ? You were acting different and you didn't tell me how you and your dad got into that fight a-"

I turned around quick, Man I swear I forgot about that shit..I didn't mean to hit her..y'all gotta believe me. It was a honest to god mistake..what if she won't even look at me anymore Dawg...what if-

Carmen cut my train of thought off and started the bath water. "Tony are you listening to me ? What happened ?" I sighed and got in the bathtub, Carmen sitting between my legs like we always do when we take a bath together. She relaxed against my chest and I played with her hair.

"I went a blunt cause I had been stressing about finding us a new place and school. I went and got it from Chris at his sister Yasmine house when you went out last night with Sasha. Then I went and bought me some paper to roll my shit with and came back home."

Carmen nodded and started to hum lightly. That always calmed my nerves down a little bit, so I kept going. "And then I went and lit up outside because I know how Ma don't like that smoking shit. I guess they still smelled it cause her window was open. So she sent my bitch ass pops down and he started cussing and raising his voice at me and shit. Soon after, we was fighting and then my mom heard shit breaking. So she came down stairs and tried to break us up and I hit her..."

Carmen turned around and laid in between my legs, facing me. I was glad my dick was on soft...cause that would've been a problem. "Baby you know it was just a mistake. I'm sure she'll forgive you." I sighed and shook my head as Carmen started to kiss up my stomach.

"I don't know that shit man and neither do you. I ain't never hit my Ma before man. Do you know what the fuck might happen ?" Carmen shook her head and reached up to grab my chin. "No I don't. But baby we'll get through it. I'm here through whatever. Worst case scenario my dad will let us stay with him. Plus..I haven't been to my old house in 2 years.."

I nodded and tried to give my baby a little smile, but it was hard. My moms raised me, gave me life, was here through everything. I don't even remember where I hit her...I ran upstairs to my room at that point.

Who knew that smoking a little ass blunt would turn into some bullshit like this. "Anthony stop over thinking.." Carmen stood up and gave me that smirk. That smirk that she gives when she wanna do some shit...I stared at her in curiosity as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She moved back and I stared at her naked body. Damn..I'm pretty sure my dick was standing up now. She gave me a crooked smile and climbed on top of me, lowering herself straight on my DICK. Bro, Carmen ain't never ride me before, I wasn't even sure that she was capable of this shit.

"I haven't did this shit mmmm..w-work with m-me.." She started to move her hips up and down, and soon she was grinding on my dick. I groaned and latched my hands onto her hips, digging my finger nails into her skin, drawing blood. Damn she felt so good man..

"A-Anthony...." Soon she was bouncing up and down like a pro and I watched as she made her love faces. She reached down and started rubbing her clit as she rode me, biting on her lip while moaning loud as hell.

"Mmmm baby.. It's my turn now." I lifted her off of me and bent her over in the tub, shoving myself inside of her. She gasped and wobbled on her arms, trying to keep herself up.

I loved seeing Carmen like this man..submitting to me, moaning and undone. I just owe. Lawd. "A-Anthony Ima cu-"

I reached around and grabbed her by her neck, kissing up her back while stroking inside of her. "No you not. You ain't cumming until I tell you too." She moaned in both pleasure and annoyance and backed herself up against me, making me bite on my lip.

Damn, I don't even think Ima be able to last to much longer. The sound of water and sweat dripping down our bodies as it hit the tub made me loose my mind as I slid deeper inside of her. "A-Anthony I can't hold it.." She came and it dripped down her leg and on my dick.

Shit, that was enough to send me over the edge. I pulled out and came in the water, breathing heavy as hell. "Baby why can't we just ever take a bath and not end up having sex ?"

Carmen giggled and tiredly stood up, leaning against the shower wall for support. "I don't know baby..but let's get cleaned up..we need to go handle this." I sighed and she hugged me up against her body, squeezing her titties up against my chest.

See, this is why I can't ever keep my damn dick down. I wrapped my arms around her waist after I turned the shower on. "I love you Anthony." She pulled back and pressed her lips against mine, sliding her tongue over my bottom lip.

I cupped her ass in my hands and smiled into our kiss. "I love you more baby..I love you more."

I would apologize to Ma in a while. Right now I just wanted to drown myself in my baby...



Know this chapter is short and kinda crappy. It's sort of a filler and my concentration been wack lately.

I apologize for the wait.
Vote and thanks for reading ❤️

Oh yeah. Don't forget to be horny atleast once a week. It's healthy for you, I promise. (;

I'm jokinggggg.

Or am I ?

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