Chapter 28

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[ M R J O H N S O N ]

I figured that Sherry had taken care of her business by now, so I walked up the stairs to see if any cleaning up was needed. When I opened the door to the medium sized room, I immediately knew I would have to do more than just clean up. God I told her to do whatever she wanted..but I didn't think she would do this..

Carmen's body was almost flat. The smell of blood was the greatest stench in the room, rolling off into the atmosphere like flames. Just standing in the room made me want to bathe in bleach...

Teeth were scattered all over the floor, and puddles of dark blood were sprayed across the floors. I didn't want to look back at Carmen's body..but I did, and instantly regret it.

She was naked. Dried cum and sticky blood was marred all over her curvy body. Her skin was covered in nasty dark purple bruises and there was a deep gash on the right side of her abdomen. You could tell that her legs were broken, due to sheer and brute force from the bat. Her head was cracked just a bit at the top, and her face was terrible. I felt bad for her...

I'd rather get a quick stab to the heart or a quick shot than get get beat relentlessly with a steel silver bat.

"God Sherry I said do what you'd like, not torture her ! This blood is going to take hours to scrub clean." She was facing the wall, bat still tightly held in her hands. "She's gone I did it ! I beat her till she couldn't scream anymore !" She turned around to face me so fast that I could've sworn that her neck broke.

"Look, Tony will be here any moment. We need to clean up this blood and leave. Carmen's body will stay here for Anthony to see." Sherry instantly pouted and dropped the bat against the floor with a loud thump. She handed me a large amount of money that was folded with a rubber band over the top and smiled, walking off to the bathroom and coming back with two steaming hot buckets of hot water and bleach. She handed me a pair of black rubber gloves and a sponge with two cloths, and pulled on her own gloves, dipping her cleaning utensils in the hot water and bleach.

I did it. I made the closets person to Tony die. Now he will experience the pain and suffering that he deserves. To have the attention ripped away from you ! Just as he had taken Gina's attention away from me, I have taken away his little bitch of a wife. I'm almost sad that I can't see his facial expression when he gets here and sees his precious wanch laying on the floor dead and beaten.

"Hey ! What are you day dreaming about ?! Let's go the bloods cleaned up and I cleaned everything else." I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. "Our foot steps could be evidence, so we need to burn the shoes and get new ones. I put some in the car." I blinked at her smartness and nodded, pouring the bloody water into the tub and then scrubbing it down.

Once we had made sure we didn't leave any traces, we left out and went our separate ways. I was grateful to never see her ass again. Good riddance..

[ T O N Y ]

I pulled up to the house Carmen had told me too and smiled a little. I knew her seeing Ja'mere being born was going to shake her up. I'm just glad that this time she chose to run to a friends house instead of just running anyway to some place I didn't know about.

I couldn't forgive myself if I knew that something bad had happened to her..

I really just was happy to see her more than anything else. Maybe I'd tell her about the baby later on in the week. I knew her bad ass nerves were frayed and making her more depressed or upset wasn't the damn way to go.

I couldn't help but to think that Carmen did sound a little weird on the phone, but I pushed it aside. I figured that if she was with a friend that she was okay and that I didn't have anything to worry about. As my gps finally lead me to the place I would be picking Carmen up at, I pulled up in front of the huge ass house and beeped my horn twice.

After sitting for a whole 5 minutes, nothing happened. I didn't get a phone call signaling that she was coming, or a text. I didn't even see any movement in the house..

Frowning, I got out of my car and locked the doors, walking towards the front door and knocking. Nothing..I twisted the knob and blinked in surprise once I seen that It was open. Who in the fuck just leaves their doors unlocked ? That shit ain't safe man, especially out here in the D at night.

"Carmen ?!" The house was lit and I was thankful for that. I looked around and frowned as the strong ass smell of bleach hit my nose. What the hell ? Who was using bleach ???? My heart rate started to pick up as I felt my gut telling me that some shit was wrong. I tried to push it down and just swallow the lump that was forming in my throat, but it wasn't working.

I was frantic now, searching through all of the rooms and checking the bathrooms. I looked under every table, behind every dresser, bookcase, and tv. I checked everywhere but upstairs. I ran up the stairs quickly, taking two steps at a time and nearly tripping in the process. But nothing was more important than my baby, and I just had a bad feeling that something was wrong.

The fact that no cars were parked in the drive way or in front of the house should've been the first siren in my head. And the fact that nobody ran to the door when I opened it also sent off alarms.

I finally came face to face with the last room in the house. The door was slightly creaked open and i wasn't even inside yet, but the powerful smell of lemon pinesol and bleach hit me like a bullet. I opened the door quickly and swallowed as I looked around the room.

I felt my entire body freeze.

My skin started to turn clammy and sticky. My eyes felt as if they were trying to come out their sockets. I felt my eyes burn like hell and I finally broke down on my knees in front of the lifeless body in front of me.

There was dried cum all over her body along with dried blood and small patches of skin. There was a large gash on the side of her abdomen and her face was fucked to the Max. Her skull looked like it had been cracked at the top, and I was scared to see the rest of her injuries. There was no telling what the fucked up shit on the inside might be..

I took off my jacket and wrapped her in it, breathing heavy as hell as I did. I ripped off pieces of my shirt and wrapped them around her gash so it could stop the bleeding.

"I saved you the first time baby I'll save you's going to be okay cammy. I promise.." I picked her up and ran to my car, carefully putting her in the passenger seat and strapping her in. The occasional rise and fall of her chest was the only thing that had me clinging to sanity. "I swear Carmen..when I find out who did this to you.." I banged my fist against the steering wheel and stepped on the gas harder, beeping my horn hard as hell.

Once we finally got to the hospital, I ran up to the front desk with Carmen in my arms. "HELP HER NOW MAN SHE MIGHT NOT MAKE IT !"  The lady nodded to me with a sad smile and shouted a code into her intercom. A bunch of people dressed in white came with a stretcher and put Carmen on it, pulling down an oxygen mask and pulling it over her nose and mouth.

Flashbacks from when Taylor had accidentally shot Carmen came back, and even the time when Tyrus and Terrance tried to rape her. (A/N: any body else notice that all they names start with a T ? Lol.) Each time they had taken her on a stretcher..back into the rooms full of death and blood, nasty medicine and needles filled with god knows what..

This time I didn't try and run into the room with her. I didn't break down in tears, crying like some little bitch. (A/N: say some shit I DARE YOU !) All I did was leave my number at the front desk with the nurse and left out, jumping in my car and taking the free way to my nigga Chris house.

I swear to god with everything in me, when I find out who did what they did to my baby I'm going to kill them. No more forgiving bullshit and allowing people to hurt her, I'm going to murder somebody in cold blood. And I could really give a fuck about what god would think about me then.

We're already walking sin, why not just add of to the list of imperfections we're already bound with ?

I will show no mercy. *

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