A Day Out

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Hakeem POV

I can't believe I'm going out with my sister after all these years.. I missed her so much and it also gives me a chance to make up the lost time I missed with our daughter. I pulled up to the house & knocked on the door. Chris answers the door

Chris: Hey man what's up *smiles dapping me*

Me: I'm good *Smiles & walks in*

Chris: Still rapping?

I nodded & Rosita came from the kitchen

Rosita: hey big head hru

Chris: Rose?

Me: *Chuckles* I'm good what about you midget

Rosita: *rolls her eyes* Your ass got jokes *punches my arm & side hugs me* But i'm alright. So what are you & Ang doing today?

Me: I'm taking her & Bree to lunch. Are you guys coming? *looks at them*

Rosita: Nah Chris, Candice, & I are goin to the beach. So you 3 can have some quality time together

She had a point this might be a good time to talk to Angel about getting back together.

Rosita: Well you guys have fun *Picks up Candice & Leaves with Chris*

Bree runs up to me smiling. I smiled & lifted her into the air making her laugh & kisses her cheek. Angel walks in smiling

Angel: hey *smiles*

Me: Hey *kisses her cheek* You girls ready?

They nodded. We go to the car and I put my daughter in her cars seat & opened the door for my sister. I get in & back out of the driveway & drive off. We go to Red Robins and order our food

Me: So what have you been up to *smiles*

Angel: Just working & taking care of baby girl *sips her drink*

I know she's hurting. She doesn't say it but her eyes show it. I took her hand into mine.

Me: I'm here for you & Bree *tickles Bree neck making her giggle* I still love you, You know that

Angel: I love you too, But we're still taking this one step at a time

Me: I can deal with that *smiles*

Just when things were getting better, A girl came up to our table

Girl: Hey hun *smiles at me*

Me: I'm sorry but do I know you? * Looks at her confused*

Girl: You should...I'm Velvet remember 4 months ago we had sex *smirks*

I looked at Angel and she looked beyond mad

Me: well I'm sorry to hurt you but I don't remember or recall being with you I must have been hella drunk

Velvet: well it was nice seeing you again call me sometime *smiles and walks away*

What a b*tch. By the time I looked back at Angel, She's picking Bree up and leaving the table. Dammit. I chased after her.

Me: Ang wait

 Angel: Just take us home please *gets in the car*

I didn't want to argue with her. I drive her to her place. When we get inside, Bree was asleep so Angel laid her down for her nap & goes to her bedroom. I followed her.

Me: Angel at least let me explain what happened

She turns to me

Angel: I'm listening

Me: Ok, I had a show that night & after that, I went out with the guys to the club. I guess I drunk too much & I woke up the next morning next to her. I don't even remember talking to that Velvet chick that night

Angel looks at me biting her lip and I step closer to her

Me: After you left, I thought drinking would solve my problems but it just made everything worse. I love you & I won't stop loving you

Angel: I love you too

I kiss her softly wrapping my arms around her. She kisses me and pulls away.

Me: What's wrong? *looks at her*

Angel: You have to promise me that your not goin to keep secrets or lies from me anymore

I nodded as I hugged her

What will happen next?

Will this be the last time they hear from Velvet?

comment your thoughts :)

Angelic Storm (a Hakeem Lyon Love story)Where stories live. Discover now