Wedding Bells

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Angels POV

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Angels POV

Today's the day of the wedding, & I'm nervous as hell. Tiana, Rosita, & the girls are already dolled up & in their dresses. As I let the stylist do my hair & makeup, My mom walked in already prepared.

Cookie: Hey baby girl you ok? *smiling*

I nod

Me: Just a little bit nervous *smiles*

Cookie: *smiles* You got this, Besides when Keem sees you in that dress, He's going to fall out

I laugh & hug my mom

Me: Thank you mama

Cookie: *hugging me back* Your welcome sweetie, don't ruin your make up now *smiles at me*

The girls come up to me

Bree & Candice: Pretty *smiling*

I smile & kiss their heads

Rosita: You ready? *smiles*

Tiana: You look amazing *smiles*

Me: Thank you all and I'm nervous out of my mind

Tiana: Don't be besides it's just Hakeem *smiles*

I laugh & hug them. They leave. I put on my dress (at the top) & look in the mirror.  I smile & think about all the things Hakeem & I have been through together, We have come a pretty long way. As I put on my veil & think about the memories, my thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock at the door. I opened it & see my father. My dad smiles & hugs me

Luscious: You look beautiful *smiles*

Me: Thx dad *smiling*

Andre & Jamal comes in

Andre: You look beautiful sis *hugs me*

Jamal: Hakeem is going to love it *hugs me*

Me: Thx you guys

Andre: See you both out there *leaves with Jamal*

I put on my veil & smile at my dad

Luscious: Ready? *offers his arm*

Me: Ready *locks arms with him*

Hakeems POV

As I stand at the altar, I watch as all my family & friends come out one by one. I watched Bree &  Candice drop flower petals as they walk down the aisle smiling. I smile as I watch everyone stand as the double doors open revealing my sister bride. She looks amazing. When dad & Angel reach the end of the aisle, Dad places Angels hand in mine.

Angelic Storm (a Hakeem Lyon Love story)Where stories live. Discover now