Unexpected Guest

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Hakeem POV

Only a few weeks left until  the wedding. I'm pumped for it. I'm at Empire working right now with Jamal on music.

Jamal: So you ready?

Me: Yeah man *smiles* just 2 more weeks until we're married

Andre: And also about your bachelor party?

I really haven't thought about it

Me: I think i'm going to have it this weekend *smiles*

Jamal: Yeah

There was a knock at the door & the 3 of us turned our gazes to the door to see Porsha.

Jamal: Hey Porsha

Porsha: Hey y'all, By the way congrats on you and your sisters engagement *daps me*

Me: *daps back* Thanks Porsha

Porsha: Oh yeah another thing you have a guest Keem

Me: Who is it? *looks at her*

Someone  knocked on the door and I looked behind my mothers assistant to see Velvet standing in the doorway.

Me: What the hell are you doing here?! *Stands up*

Velvet: *smiles* nice to see you too

Jamal: Ok it's obvious that y'all need to talk

Jamal, Andre, & Porsha Leave

Velvet: Missed me *puts her hand on my chest*

Me: Hell no! *pushes her hand off me & sits down*

If Angel comes in and sees Velvet, She'll kill my ass. As the thought of my sister ran through my mind, I didn't even noticed that Velvet was kissing my neck. What the hell is wrong with her?! I then hear someone clearing their throat and I looked up to see my sister, Angel. I immediately push Velvet off me and stand up quick. Yeah this might definitely be the end of my life.

Angels POV

I look back & forth between Hakeem & Velvet. Hakeem walks up to me

Hakeem: Now Ang before you- (gco)

I hold up my hand & walk towards Velvet & punched her in the damn face. She holds her nose and the next thing I knew, We were fighting. I don't understand why some people constantly just want to take what's mine. As I kept punching Velvet I felt Hakeem pull me off her. Velvets mouth was bleeding and she has a black eye. Security and our parents came in

Cookie: What the hell happened, Are you ok?! *checks my face*

Me: I'm fine mama

Luscious: Get her the hell out of here

The guards take Velvet out. My dad looked at us

Luscious: You alright princess? *puts his hand on my shoulder*

I nodded

Luscious: Good. Now go clean yourself up, We don't need people asking if you murdered anybody *smiles*

I smile softly at my dad & go to the restroom to wash the blood off my hands. For some ungodly reason, I feel better after that. I walk back to the studio and Hakeem's still there. He looked at me & patted his lap. I sit in his lap. He chuckles a little.

Me: *looks at him* What are you laughing at?

Hakeem: *chuckles* What your ass did was almost murder

I shrug my shoulders 

Hakeem: But I wanna let you know I didn't touch her Angel, I didn't *looks at me*

He's telling the truth his eyes show it

Me: I believe you

Hakeem: Yeah? *smiles*

Me: Yeah *smiles*

We kiss each other softly

Me: I love you

Hakeem: I love you too

well that was crazy

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