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Angels POV

I wake up in Hakeems arms. I smile & kiss him on the cheek. I still can't believe we're actually married now. I get up slowly out of my loves arms & go check on Bree. I walk into her bedroom to see that she's wide awake.

Me: Hey baby want to help mommy make breakfast? *smiles*

Bree: Sure *smiles*

I  pick her & go into the kitchen. We started making breakfast

Hakeems POV

I wake up to the aroma of breakfast. I get out of bed & walk into the kitchen seeing Angel cooking & Bree eating waffles.

Me: Hey baby girl *smiles & kisses Brees cheek*

Bree: *smiles* hey daddy

I walk over behind Angel & wrap my arms around her waist

Me: Morning Baby *kisses Angel*

Angel: *kisses back* morning baby *hands me my breakfast*

We're off today so we're going to have a little quality time together. I finish eating.

Me: Hey since we off you girls want to go to the park for a picnic?

The girls nodded.  Angel washes the dishes & Bree is outside playing. She's a little too quiet. I walk outside & the next thing I know a bag is thrown over my head & I'm thrown into a van.

Angels POV

That's weird. Where's my child & my man?! I walk outside to look for them. I don't see them.

Me: *calls out for them* Bree... Hakeem?!

Suddenly something hits me in the back of the head knocking me unconscious. A few hours later, I wake up with my hands & ankles tied up. Where the hell am I?! I look around & see Hakeem next to me.

Me: Baby where's Bree?!

Hakeem: Calm down Ang *nodded behind me* she's sitting right there

I look & see Bree sitting in a chair. I'm just glad she's ok

Me: You ok Bree?

Bree: *nodded* yes mommy

Hakeems POV

I don't know where we are. Suddenly the door opens & walks in is ... Amber! What the hell is this about now?!

Amber: Oh you're awake good *smiles*

Me: Wtf Amber?!

Angel: What's this all about ?! *looks at her*

Amber: You see I'm not so good with rejections

No Sh*t Sherlock!

Amber: Why don't you just get that I love you & you belong with me *pulls me to her roughly by my chain & holds up a gun*

Me: How many times do I have to tell you, I don't love you

Amber shakes her head

Amber: That's too bad because I really want you *smiles*

Bree: Evil Lady!

Amber: Shut up you damn brat

Angel: Don't talk to her like that!

Angelic Storm (a Hakeem Lyon Love story)Where stories live. Discover now