It's Off

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Hakeems POV

Last night was a little crazy, But Angel & I pulled through. I walk into Empire holding Bree, I decided to Let Angel sleep in. We walk into mom's office first

Cookie: *smiles* Hey Keem

Me: Hey mom

Cookie: Hey baby girl *takes Bree out of my arms and kisses her cheek*

Bree: *giggling* hey grandma

Me: I'm gonna go hit the booth, You ok with Bree mom?

Cookie: Boy get to work I got this *tickles Bree & smiles* Don't I sweetie

Bree: *laughs*

Cookie: Oh yeah, next time one of your little side chicks come up to Empire *covers Brees ears* I'm going to kill their ass you understand me boy?

I nod & kiss my daughter on the cheek and my mom

Me: Be good for grandma ok *smiles*

Bree: otay

Me: thx mom

Cookie: Your welcome Keem

I walk out & go to the studio

Jamals POV

I'm walking around Empire listening to a beat to my new song and trying to get the lyrics together. Not looking where I'm going, I bump into a girl by accident

Me: Omg I'm sorry are you alright *helps her*

Amber: Yeah it's ok...Hey you're Jamal Lyon *smiles*

Me: Yeah that would be me *chuckles* do you want an autograph or pic?

Amber: No, My name's Amber, I'm actually a close friend with your brother, Hakeem.

Me: Ok..Well if you're here to see him, I can show you where he is

Amber: Thanks

She seems like a sweet girl. I lead the way to the studio where my brother was

Hakeems POV

I was recording my song 'Remember my name' which Angel already did her part with chorus. As I was rapping my verse the song just stopped

Me: Yo man what the hell?! *removes my glasses & headphones*

I look & up see Jamal with Amber. First Velvet now her?! Wtf is she doing here? I walk out of the booth

Me: Mal why'd you bring her? *looks at him*

Jamal: Hey she says she's a friend of yours

Amber smiles at me innocently

Jamal: I'll leave you two to catch up *leaves*

i sit on top of the counter. Amber comes between my legs

Amber: aww what's wrong aren't you happy to see me *smiles at me & rubs my legs*

Hakeem: No & why are you here Amber? You almost got my a** in trouble last night with that damn photo *pushes her hands off me* I'm engaged

Amber: I'm sorry I can make it up to you

Me: Whatever you got in mind I don't- (gco)

Amber kisses me & for some ungod reason I kiss back

Angels POV

I just arrived at Empire. I'm surprised Hakeem let me sleep in late. I walk around and run into Andre

Me: Hey Dre *smiles*

Andre: Hey Ang *hugs me* you excited about your wedding

I nod

Me: Hey have you seen Keem?

Andre: Studio

Me: Thx Dre

I walk off & go to studio B. I get there and see Hakeem & Amber kissing each other. I yell & Hakeem pulls away

Me: Seriously *puts my hands on my hips*

Hakeem: Ang *gets up*

Amber: *smirks*

Hakeem steps close to me & I slap him

Me: Since you wanna do this I got something for you *takes off my ring and throws it at him* The weddings off *walks off*

Hakeem: Angel *grabs my hand *

I pull my hand back

Me: We're done *leaves*

What did you think?

Is the wedding really off?

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