Shopping & Cake tasting

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Hakeems POV

Ok today me, My friends, Andre, & dad are going to try on tuxedos for the wedding. Jamal already had his so he's with Ang. We walk into the shop and immediately get fitted

Chicken: I still can't believe you're getting married to your sister, I mean like she's the princess  & sweetheart of Empire man

Antonio: And your like the bad ass prince of Empire *laughs*

I chuckle at my friends as I try on my tux jacket. Yeah me and & Angel are total opposites, But the thing about it is, Her and Bree make me a better person, And that's why I love them dearly.

Me: Yeah, well falling for the right person, Make you want to change your whole damn attitude on things *smiles in the mirror*

Andre: And that's exactly what Angel did to you *smiles*

Luscious: Yeah your sister came in and changed your whole damn world. *smiles* I like it

Chris: she really did

Angel POV

I stand in front of the mirror looking into it as I look at the dress Tiana picked out for me. Bree, Candice, And everyone else already got their dresses. I'm the only one who hasn't found a dress yet

Tiana: What's wrong with it? *crosses her arms & smiles at me*

Owner: I'll go see what else we got *leaves*

Me: Nothing it just looks like something I would perform in T *looks at her with a small smile*

Tiana: Understandable *smiles & goes look at more dresses*

Rosita: Well how about a sheer cocktail dress *smiles*

Cookie: Girl Hakeem would have a damn fit if she wore that

I laugh at my mom because her & I both know how Hakeem is. Jamal came up to me with a  wedding ball gown dress in his hand.

Me: Where'd you get that from? *looks at him*

Jamal: Girl don't worry about it just go try it on *smiles & hands me the dress*

I take the dress from my brother and go in the changing room. I put on the dress and it fits perfectly. Damn, Jamal is good. It hugs my sides, The rhinestone corset top is beautiful and I love the puffy skirt. I walk back out to everyone and their mouths dropped.

Cookie: Way to go Mal *smiles & nudges him*

Jamal: *smiles* I try and she looks like a princess

Tiana: Now that's beautiful *smiles*

Rosita: It is *smiles*

Bree & Candice: *smiles* Pretty

Cookie: *smiling* What do you think Ang?

Me: *smiles* I love it, I'm getting this dress

We buy the dresses. While the cashier is scanning the tags on the dresses, My phone beeps. I looked & saw Hakeem posted a pic of us together from yesterday on IG.

@yazzthegreatest: 'My sister and my love forever' <3

I smiled and liked the pic and put my phone away. The next day, Bree & I are at the bakery waiting for Hakeem. As we wait we decided to try some cake.

Bree: *eats a piece of cake* mmm

Me: Is it that good Bree? *giggles*

Bree: It's delicious mommy *smiles*

I giggle at my daughter. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I already knew it was Hakeem as he places a kiss on my cheek.

Hakeem: Hey girls *smiles*

Me: hey baby *smiles*

Bree: hey daddy try this slice *holds up her fork*

Hakeem tastes the cake our daughter offered

Me: What you think?

Hakeem: I'm not a cake person that much but that's really good *smiles*

We laugh & continued to enjoy our afternoon together. After we made our decision, We head home. Bree drifted off to sleep, I laid her down. I go to Hakeem & I bedroom and lay in bed. Hakeem gently pulls me into his chest.

Me: Had fun today? *kisses him*

Hakeem: I did *kisses me back & smiles*

I smile back. Hakeem kisses me passionately and I kiss him back. He kisses me down my neck and my tummy. The next thing I knew, our clothes our off and we're making love. I claw at Hakeems back as he thrusted in me. I moan a little loud and Hakeem kisses me deeply.

Hakeem: shhh you don't wanna wake up baby girl *kisses the nape of my neck*

Me: *moans* keem

We spent the rest of the night making love to each other. I lay on Hakeems chest as he plays in my hair. I feel so relaxed in his arms. I cuddle up to him.

Hakeem: I love You Ang

Me: I love you too Keem

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