Not Again :O

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Angels POV

I wake up this morning refreshed. I know since that letter from Marcus, everyone has been on edge, But we're not going to worry about his ass right now. I kiss Hakeem on the cheek & get out of to go check on Bree. She's still asleep, I gently shake her. Brees eyes flutter open.

 Bree: Morning mommy *rubs her eyes*

Me: Morning baby, Want to come to work with mommy & daddy?

Bree nods her head.

I pick up my daughter & we both do our hygiene & get dressed. I give Bree her breakfast & go back to the bedroom to wake up Hakeem. I softly kiss him on the neck & as I thought, A  smile crept up on my brothers face. Hakeem turns over and smiles at me.

Me: Morning love *smiles*

Hakeem: Morning babe *kisses me*

I kiss him back

Me: I made breakfast

Hakeem: Ok I'll be out in a while

We kiss & I go back to the kitchen

Hakeem POV

Don't think that I forgot about that letter from Marcus. That n***a got another thing comin', If he thinks he's going to continue to mess with my family. I finish getting dressed & go into the kitchen. I kiss Bree on her head & sit next to her.

Bree: Good morning daddy *smiles & eats*

Me: Morning baby girl *smiles*

Angel gives me my plate & we eat. When we all finished, We got into the car & drove to Empire. When we walked in & see the place pact with security, Andre came over to us.

Me: Dre, What's going on?

Andre: Due to the fact that Marcus can be anywhere, Dad has security packed

Jamal comes over

Jamal: Y'all this is getting crazy

Angel: Where's mom & dad?

Jamal: Office.. I can watch Bree for you guys

Me: Ok

We leave Bree with our brothers & we go to dads office

Me: Mom, Dad wth is all security down here for?!

Cookie: It's for protection

Luscious: The damn guy already sent out a damn threat to you, Hell who knows what he'll do next

He's right. Last time when Marcus was here, He was about to rape Angel. So we can't take any chances.

Angel: What if he gets in?

Luscious: We got guns

Before I could say anything, There was gunshot fired. I look over at Angel & she had a worried expression on her face. Oh sh*t Bree! Angel & I run out of the room, Before our parents could say anything. We ran to the room where Bree & Jamal were. When we get there, Jamal was unconscious on the floor. But there's no sign of our daughter. Once we got Jamal up, He told us what happened.

Jamal: It was Marcus, He hit me with something

Angel: Keem!

I look at Angel & she's holding a letter. I take the piece of paper from my sister & read it

Me: *reads* 'I got something you want. Give me $5 grand or your daughter won't make it'- Marcus'

Angel: So it's a damn ransom?! *tears form in her eyes*

I hug her tightly

Me: We're going to get her back & make that asshole pay this time, Alright? *wipes her tears*

Angel nods. Now he just went too damn far taking our daughter. This guy is really asking for an ass kicking. He want one, He's going to get it. We go tell mom & dad. Luscious slams his fist on his desk.

Luscious: Alright, I need every investigator & detective to search the premises. Let's hurry up and give that asshole what he wants.

Angel & I walk out of the room. As we walked out, Angel was looking down at the floor. I tilt her head up & she looks at me

Me: We're going to find baby girl ok?

Angel: Ok *nods*

Andre walks up to us

Andre: Hey I put a tracking device on his car *gives us the tracker*

I take the tracker from my older brother

Me: *Takes the tracker* Good. Thanks Dre, C'mon Angel

Angel & I walk out of Empire & get into my car. We're going to make his ass pay. We drive off following the tracker. Bree we're coming. The only thing that's on my mind is kicking Marcus a** and rescuing my baby girl. That fool is going to regret ever taking her and stepping a foot into Empire. No one messes with the Lyon family & no one damn sure doesn't mess with my girls.

What will happen next?

Will Bree make it?

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