a little cooperation

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Angels POV

I actually feel a little bit better back at Empire. I explained to mom & dad what happened between Hakeem and I, They understand. Right now I'm writing a song with Jamal while Brees in my lap. I'm just tired of being lied to about sh*t.

Jamal: Talked to Hakeem?

I shake my head

Me: Not really

Bree: Mommy mad at daddy? *looks at me*

I look at my daughter and shake my head

Me: a little baby, But we're going to be ok *kisses her head*

As we talk mom & dad walk in

Luscious: Hey you two

Jamal: hey

Cookie: Hey sweetie *picks up Bree & kisses my head*

Luscious: Still not talking to your brother? *looks at me*

Me: Nope *keeps writing* and I never will

Luscious: Let me see your notebook

I hand him my notebook and he scans over it. I go over to the soundboard and play the music to the song. My dad nods his head & looks at mom. She was nodding her head to the beat also.

Luscious: I like it & I like the rap verses in it as well *smiles at me*

Me: Thanks dad & Jamals doing the chorus *smiles*

Cookie: You know you can still get your brother to perform with you

Me: Mom I'm not performing with Hakeem

As many times as I performed with Hakeem on stage, We're good. But we're not on good terms at the moment.

Luscious: Angel sweetheart, You need your brother. I know he pissed you off on many levels, But you need him. *Looks at me* You two & Mal together, the performance will be a great headliner.

Jamal: And besides y'all feed off each other when you guys perform together *smiles*

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. But, They're right, I collaborate and perform way better when I'm with Hakeem. I look back at them.

Me: Fine, I'll call him up and ask

Cookie: No need to *smiles*

Mom steps aside and Hakeems standing there. He walks up to me

Hakeem: I'll be honored to perform with you *smiles*

I nodded & walk out of the studio

Hakeems POV

I'm happy that I get to perform with Angel & Jamal. I also have news for everyone.

Cookie: Aren't you going to go after her ass? *looks at me*

Me: Not yet...Because I have a plan *smiles and Plays  with Bree*

Luscious: And what might that be?

I pull out a small box and showed them a diamond ring. Everyone's mouths dropped. Yeah I'm going to propose to my sister

Cookie: That's beautiful Keem *smiles*

Me: Thanks mom *smiles*

Jamal: Now she can't be mad at you after this *smiles*

Luscious: So when are you going to do it?

I thought about it. I looked at Angels notebook with the lyrics she just wrote in it and smiled. I can use this

Me: I'll do it at the show at Leviticus *smiles*

Alright Hakeem stepped it up

what will happen next?

How will Angel React?

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