A little wedding planning

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Angels POV

I wake up the next morning & Hakeems not next to me. I already know he's at Empire. I get out of bed & walk over to Brees room & shake he gently. Her eyes flutter open.

Me: Hey sweetie, Want to go work with mommy? *smiles*

Bree smiles & nods. Me & my daughter get dressed and leave. We stop by Krystals to get breakfast & drive off to Empire. I pick Bree up and walk into Empire.

Me: Hey Becky *smiles*

Becky: Hey girl *smiles at Bree & tickle her* Hey princess

Bree: *giggles* hi

Me: Keem here?

Becky: Yeah but I don't know where he is

I thanked Becky and walk off. I go into my dads office.

Luscious: Hey Ang hey princess

Me: Hey dad

Bree: Hey pawpaw *smiles*

I sit Bree down & give her her breakfast. Mom walks in.

Cookie: Hey baby *hugs me & Kisses Bree* How are you enjoying being engaged?

Me: Good honestly *smiles* by the way have either of you seen Keem?

Luscious: Yea he's in the studio

Me: Ok, Can you guys watch Bree for a while?

Cookie: Yeah girl go handle your business *looks at Bree & smiles* we're going to play with some of grandpas awards *picks her up*

I leave and go to the studio. I walk in and see Hakeem rapping. He didn't notice me, So I took a seat by Jamal & Andre and watched

Jamal: Hey Ang *smiles*

Andre: Hey little sis *smiles* Congrats on getting engaged

Me: Thank you Dre *hugs him*

Jamal: Any wedding planning yet

I shake my head & Hakeem comes out of the booth and kisses my cheek.

Hakeem: *smiles* hey babe

Me: *smiles* hey baby

Hakeem pulls me into his lap and kisses me

Hakeem: Where Bree at?

Me: with mom & dad

Andre: so did you 2 decide on the colors for the wedding?

Me & Hakeem: Black,gold, & white

Jamal: nice *smiles*

Hakeem: Yeah that's something we can agree on, Now about that cake *smiles*

I smile. I still can't believe I'm engaged to my brother

Hakeems POV

Andre: How about vanilla? *smiles*

Angel: Yes

Me: We also have to set a date for it, Because I still have to get my tux and you still have to get your dress.

Jamal: I can accompany you with finding a dress *smiles*

Angel: ok so it's me, you, Rosita, Tiana, the girls and mom *smiles*

Me: And we'll go tux shopping this Saturday

I look at Angel and she looks back at me. We smile at each other. I'm glad we're together, And I can't wait to marry her. A flash from Jamals phone broke my train of thought.

Angel: Really mal? *looks at him*

Jamal: *smiles* it's cute I couldn't help it *shows it to us*

Angel & I look at the pic. It we really look like we're in love.

Me: send me that, I'm posting it on instagram

For the rest of the day we worked and chilled out

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