a (almost) chill day

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Angel POV

So today, Rosita, the girls, and I are chilling by the pool.

Me: Hey where'd the guys go?

Rosita: To the studio right quick & to book a show

Before I could say another word, The guys walked in with someone I never seen before. The girls run up to their dads

Hakeem: *Picks up Bree & kisses her cheek* hey babe *kisses me*

Chris: *kisses Candice & Rosita*

Me: *kisses back* Hey

Rosita: Who's y'all friend? *looks at the guy*

Chris: This is Jeremih , He's going to be one of Empires new artists

Jeremih: Nice to meet you lovely ladies *shakes our hands*

Me: same to you

We continued to enjoy ourselves by the pool, After a little while I go inside to get something to drink. I felt a pair of muscular arms around me, dead ass I thought it was Hakeem. So, I turned around & kissed him. When I opened my eyes, I came face to face with Jeremih. Oh god what have I done?! My thoughts were soon interrupted by Hakeem clearing his throat. I pull away from Jeremih as fast as possible. Now how am I going to explain this this to Hakeem?

Me: Keem I can (gco)

Hakeem: Oh you going to explain to me, I done laid Bree down for her nap... Now you on the other hand Ang, we gonna talk later. Now take your ass to the room

I was surprised that he talked to me that way. I run upstairs to our room. I'm in so much damn trouble.

Hakeem POV

Now I can tell that wasn't Angels fault, Because I was watching Jeremih very close. You kissing my sister, not only that but she my girl on top of everything.

Me: Look here you kissin my sister is something I'm not going to tolerate man

Jeremih: It wasn't like that Hakeem... but she's fine as hell, and I kissed her

I clenched my jaw, I'm doing everything not to knock his ass out

Me: Still, She's mine man...you not supposed to be kissing my girl. And also stay away from her, don't talk to her, don't even think about her. Because if you I'll kill your ass, got it *gets in his face*

Jeremih: Crystal clear *leaves*

I shake my head and go to the room. I see Angel on the phone with our dad. I slapped her on the ass & take her cellphone.

Angel: Keem!

Me: She'll call you later dad

Luscious: ok but

I end the video chat with Luscious and look at her

Angel: Keem before you start lecturing, Can I at least say - (gco)

I kissed her to shut her up, I pull away and Angel looks at me confused

Me: I was watching y'all, I know you thought he was me & he kissed you *chuckles*

Angel looks down and I tilt her head with 2 of my fingers up to make her look at me

Angel: I still feel bad

Me: *smiles* Hey you didn't fuck him sooo

Angel Laughs & hugs me. I smiled. I can't be mad at her for something that wasn't her fault.

Jeremih POV

As I get into my car, I pull out my phone to make a call

Mystery girl: Well did you do it?

Me: yeah but Hakeem's still with her

She groans through the phone

Mystery girl: Well time for a new plan

Me: fine but I want an extra 5 grand *rubs my chin*

I hear her suck her teeth

Mystery girl: fine

I hang up and drive away

What's the plan?

Who's the girl?

Comment & vote please :)

Angelic Storm (a Hakeem Lyon Love story)Where stories live. Discover now