House searching & a surprise visit

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Angel POV

Today has been pretty good so far. Me, Rosita,& Chris are in the kitchen looking at houses.  I didn't want to be a burden I wanted to move to a house, but we won't be far from them.

Rosita: What about this one? *points to a beautiful house*

Me: Idk y'all *looks at the house*

Chris Snatches the book from us & scans over it

Chris: I think you should get this one. It has 5 suites, 4 baths, A downstairs studio, A huge kitchen and a lot of space, Plus a pool

He's obviously right. Basically the house has everything Bree & I need

Me: Well alright, I'll call the real estate agent to check it out

Rosita: Uh correction, We're going to checking it out *referring to her and I as she plays with Candice*


I end up getting the house & now I'm unpacking with the help from Rosita & Chris

Chris: Aye where do you want this Ang *holds up a painting of a lioness*

Me: Put it above the fireplace

Rosita: You know you really don't have that much stuff

Me: I know... I go to the studio tomorrow

Bree & Candice run through the living room laughing as they chase each other

Chris: Well damn they seem happy already without the toys

The girls tackled Chris on the floor as we laughed. He ends up giving them a piggy back ride

Rosita: So you heard from Lyon boy yet?*smiles*

I laugh because I know that she's referring to Hakeem. I shake my head

Me: Not since yesterday

Rosita: *Shrugs her shoulders* Maybe he's just busy

Me: Yeah maybe you're right

Chris comes outside

Chris: Ok the little people are knocked out

Rosita looks at him like wtf

Chris: They're napping baby *chuckles*

Rosita: Oh ok thx bae

I laugh. I love how they have a silly & loving relationship. It kind of makes me think of Hakeem, But that's in the past

Rosita: Hey Ang do you mind watching Candice for a while?

Me: Not at all, They're asleep I can handle them, you 2 go have fun *smiles*

Chris: Thx Angel

Rosita: Thx *Hugs me*

Me: no problem now go

Chris & Rosita leave. Well I have some quiet time, Maybe this would be a good time to work up on my music. I walk inside, Grab my song notebook & sat on the couch. I might not be at Empire anymore, But I still work on my music when I have time. Chris was nice enough to give me a beat that he made for me. I started humming as I jolt down some lyrics in my notebook. Just a few minutes into my writing, There's a knock at the door.

Me: They must have forgot something *gets up*

Thinking it's Chris & Rosita, I opened the door. I stood there surprised

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