Miracles & a note

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Hakeem POV

Today Angel & I will be performing at Leviticus. We walk into the club and see a big crowd. I take Angels hand in mine as I carry Bree with my other arm & walk into the back room of the club.

Cookie: Hey you 3 *smiles & Takes Bree out of my arms*

Me: Hey mom

Angel: Hey mom *smiles* Where's dad?

Andre: He's coming

Jamal: So how have you 2 lovebirds been? *smiles*

I smiled at Angel making her blush

Me: We've been good *smiles*

Luscious walks over to us

Luscious: Ah there you 2 are. Are you both ready?

Angel: Yeah

Me: Yeah

Angel & I kiss Bree & go into the hallway. Angel stopped & pulled me to her.

Angels POV

I feel something bad is going to happen that's why I stopped in my tracks.

Hakeem: What's wrong Ang? You're acting like this your first performance

Me: I know.. I just feel something bad is going to happen *looks at him*

Hakeem squeezes my hand gently

Hakeem: Look I got you, Nothing is going to happen alright

I nod & Hakeem kisses me softly. I still feel something is off. We go out onto the stage as the music starts. *(Hakeem echoes )

H: It's the dynasty

A: You perform miracles (miracles). So you wanna rule the world, walk across the ocean (Miracles)You can do it if you want, 'cause you perform miracles

H: Girl, my girl

Every moment is miraculous

with you around is easy, Never hard like calculus,

My strong  black queen, When I feel like anything is possible

We make magic happen & overcome every obstacle

A: Do you believe in miracles? (Yea)

H: When we're together it's miracles

A: You should let me show you that

H: No you should let me show you that

A: You perform miracles (Miracles). So you wanna rule the world, walk across the ocean (Miracles)You can do it if you want, 'cause you perform miracles

H:  Even If I'm in the gurney

headed to the hospital , Waiting till my casket drop will remain unstoppable

Like Mark Anthony, Headed across the Mediterranean the sea is epiphany

Cleopatra embrace & taste the kiss

A: Do you believe in miracles? (Yea)

H: When we're together it's miracles

A: You should let me show you that

H: No you should let me show you that

A: You perform miracles (Miracles). So, You wanna rule the world, walk across the ocean (Miracles) You can do it if you want, 'cause you perform miracles. x2

A: On the mountain top

Where we can't climb, Keep my eyes on the spell

Where I learn to fly, Cause we're ready for whatever so it's no surprise

Every star that throw ends up to the sky

*end of song*

I look at Hakeem & smile. The crowd cheered as we bowed & walked off the stage. At the end of the show as everyone leaves, Bree runs up to me & I  scoop her into my arms.

Cookie: You 2 did wonderful *smiles*

Luscious: great job you 2

As our family talked a man came up to us.

Man: Hakeem Lyon?

Hakeem: Yeah?

The man gives him a letter. We look at him.

Jamal: Who is it from?

Man: I'm just the messenger *walks away*

I watch as Hakeem opens the letter.

Andre: What does it say Keem?

Hakeem: *reads* 'I'm coming for you- Marcus'

I hold Bree tightly in my arms as I look at Hakeem balls up the note

Cookie: You mean that guy that we signed to Empire?

Jamal: Yeah mom

Andre: And the one we got rid *looks at Hakeem & Jamal*

I looked at Hakeem

Me: Keem?

Hakeem: All I did was beat his ass up badly baby that's all *holds up hands in defense*

I nodded. But still he's coming for us

Luscious: Hakeem take the girls home, Until I figure out something

Hakeem grabs my hand & we leave. The ride home was really quiet, because all I could think about is Marcus coming after our family. When we make it to the house, I lay Bree down for her nap, & run to the room.

Hakeem: What's wrong  Ang? *holds me*

Me: What if he tries to do something? *looks at him scared*

Hakeem shakes his head

Hakeem: I won't let him *kisses me* I promise

Me: ok *kisses back*

what do you guys think will happen next?

What will Marcus do?

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