Chapter Nine

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“Why haven't you made any progress?” Nathaniel snapped at me, looking over my shoulder at the “work” I had been doing. Since arriving at the small room designated for me to do my translating, I had been pretending to be hard at work. Thankfully, they didn't know I had already translated most of it, so pretending to start from the beginning would buy me a lot more time. Hopefully it will be enough time...

“This is a difficult language,” I told him, huffing loudly. “And it's not very easy to concentrate with you pacing around the room and complaining about how I'm not working hard enough! If you're so frustrated with how slow I'm being, why don't you try to help me?”

“We've been in here for two hours, shouldn't you be close to finding out anything?”

“I don't know what you expected, but these things don't happen in such a short amount of time. If I could make connections to another language, then I might be able to work faster, but there aren't any.” Of course, I was lying. I had made several connections to other languages, but he didn't need to know that. “It doesn't help that you killed the guy who was in charge of the book's research, either,” I mumbled to myself.

“Keep working,” he commanded. As he continued his pacing, he cursed under his breath in impatience.

“How long are we going to be in here?” I asked.

“As long as it takes for you to finish,” he said, without missing a beat in his pacing. I was surprised that the floor wasn't worn from the path he had been pacing directly behind me.

“I need to use the restroom,” I sighed.

“Hold it.”

“I've been holding it!” I snapped. “I can't focus on anything else, so if you want any work to get finished, you'd better take me to the restroom!”

“Fine,” he growled. The chains around my hands were removed, and he placed a small metal cuff on my left wrist. Tightly gripping my arm, he took me back into the corridor.

“What's this?” I asked, curiously examining the bracelet.

“It seals your magic, and can only be taken off by certain people in the guild. If you try to destroy it, or take it off without our magic, then you will be injected with a paralysis serum to which only I have the antidote.” He looked straight ahead as he spoke, never once glancing at me.

“Yikes,” I mumbled.

“You have two minutes,” Nathaniel said, stopping outside a closed door about halfway down the corridor. “If you're even a second late, I'm coming in.”

“Then I won't be late,” I frowned, going inside and slamming the door behind me. I hurriedly finished, and took the remaining time I had left to be myself and to calm my nerves. I was still upset about the murder of Nathaniel's guild mate. I couldn't imagine anyone being able to kill someone in their own guild just because they were annoying them. Dark guilds really are a lot different than us. Fairy Tail would go to any lengths for their nakama, but these people are cruel and only look out for themselves. Isn't Nathaniel afraid that his master will be angry with him for killing the person who had been researching this book he wants so badly?

“Time's up,” Nathaniel said, opening the door slightly. “Come on.”

I reluctantly followed him to the small workroom, not liking the idea of anymore punishment if I resisted. I'll delay as long as I can to give the others time to figure out where I am. Unfortunately, I had no idea where I was. The town had looked so unfamiliar when I escaped, so I couldn't be near Magnolia. “May I ask you something?” I asked as Nathaniel took off my bracelet and fastened the chains to my wrists once again. He had attached my chains to the table when we had first arrived to the room, saying something about being annoyed with holding them.

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