Chapter Thirteen

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 “We can't barge in there blindly,” Lily said, stopping me before I ran into the building. “We should wait for the others, and come up with some sort of plan for getting Levy in and out without having to fight their entire guild.”

“I don't have time for that!” I snapped, for what felt like the tenth time that night. I was thankful for the cover of the night's darkness, because it meant less sneaking I had to do while outside of their guild's hideout.

“Gajeel, I understand your frustrations, but getting ourselves killed won't do Levy any good.”

“Fine,” I growled. “We'll sneak in—but I'm not waiting for those guys to get here. Who knows how long it will be before Makoto gathers everyone. By the time they get here, we could have Levy out of there.”


“Let's go.” I ignored him and began circling the building, searching for any way inside. When I came across a broken window, I put my hand through the hole and unlocked it before opening it far enough that I could fit through. As quietly as I could, I climbed inside. The room we entered was only lit by the small amount of lighting coming from the window, so we were lucky enough to not have to worry about anyone see us sneak in.

“Which way should we go?” Lily asked after we left the room and entered a dark corridor.

“I don't kn—“ A pained cry from somewhere to my left cut me off. “I know that voice,” I said, immediately running towards the sound. Levy!

“Gajeel, wait!” Lily cried in a hushed voice. “Don't blow your cover by rushing in there!”

“That was Levy's voice!” I snapped, urging my legs to go faster. “She's in trouble!”

“We'll both be in trouble if you go charging in there without seeing how many people we're up against.”

“It doesn't matter. I'll take down this entire guild if I have to!” Another cry had us turning down another corridor which led to a set of large doors. Without giving it anymore thought, I crashed through the doors and into a huge room filled with what seemed to be all of Devil's Shadow. I saw Levy standing directly in front of me, and heard her scream as something crashed into my body. A blinding pain engulfed me, and I didn't even have time to cry out in pain before I hit the ground hard, consciousness quickly escaping me.


I cried out as Dax ran the sharp edge of a knife across my palm. Part of the spell required blood to be dripped onto several symbols which I had already drawn on the floor. I continued following the steps of the spell from the book, cradling my injured hand against my chest. As soon as Dax had removed the magic-sealing bracelet from my wrist, a bad feeling had been growing inside of me more and more with each step I completed. The fact that a person has to summon this magic is enough of a red flag for me, but why can't Dax see how bad of an idea this is?! How can he be so blinded by his desire for power to not see it?

My hands shook as I read aloud the last of the spell's words, and I dropped the book when a dark magic energy burst from the symbols on the ground and began swirling around me. Snake-like tentacles wrapped around my body, searing onto my skin until I cried out in pain. This is worse than the book described. If all of this magic enters my body, I'll— The room's doors burst open with a loud crashing noise, distracting everyone from the horrible magic which had begun entering my body. I gasped when I spotted Gajeel, coming completely through the doors, and landing only a few feet away from me.

I screamed when the dark magic suddenly ripped itself free of me, and shot towards Gajeel. It immediately entered his body, and I stared in shock as he fell to the floor, unconscious.

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