Chapter Twenty

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I groaned as I came-to, my head feeling as though a boulder had been smashed over it. I got to my feet and looked around. I was in what looked like an abandoned warehouse, but I didn't think I was still in Magnolia. How did I get here?

I rubbed my eyes, stopping abruptly and pulling my hands away. My knuckles had dried blood on them. That's isn't my bloo— Icy realization hit me like a train, and I almost fell over. The smell was sickeningly familiar and there was no mistaking whose it was. Levy.

“What did I do?” I asked, horrified. I felt like throwing up at the thought of how her blood had gotten onto my knuckles.

“Do you really want to know?” The magic inside me inquired, snickering.

“Damn it! What did you—”

“You gave yourself so willingly to me,” it sighed, “so I thought I'd have some fun with your little girlfriend. I must say, I wasn't disappointed.

Suddenly, the image of Levy's bruised neck came to me. For a second, I had pushed the magic away when I saw how much it had grown—and how it had to have been hurting her. The magic had quickly regained its control, though, so I was only left with that image. After that, it was like I had gone to sleep. My body was moving around, but my consciousness had been buried deep within it, so I didn't know what was going on when the magic was controlling me.

“If you hurt Levy, I swear I'll—”

“You'll what? Kill me? Don't be a fool, Gajeel,” the magic sneered, “you can't kill me without killing yourself.”

“If it comes to that, then so be it,” I growled.

“Talking to yourself, dragon slayer?” I whipped around, searching for the source of the voice. It was oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

“You!” I snarled as Dax stepped out of the shadows. “I'll kill you!” My body refused to move towards Dax when I tried running at him. “Not yet. I'm curious to hear what he has to say,” the magic told me, refusing to release my body.

“Talk,” I commanded, glaring at the green-haired bastard whom I wanted more than anything to rip apart.

“Where is Nathaniel?” Dax asked. “He stole something very important to me, and I'd like to take it back.”

“How the hell should I know?” I snapped. “I haven't seen him since he told me you had taken off with that book of Levy's.”

“That was my plan,” Dax frowned, looking unhappy, “but unfortunately he beat me to it. He betrayed me during our battle with Fairy Tail, stabbing me and leaving me for dead as he made off with the book. I assume he helped you escape with the girl and lied to you about me in order to gain your trust. He wants that power for himself, so he made you believe I had the book so you wouldn't go after him.”

“If that's true, why hasn't he tried to kill me? He knows that only one person can have this magic, so shouldn't he have tried to take me out by now?” I asked, skeptical.

“I think he has been observing you, just as I would have done. He wants to see what that magic can do before he summons it himself. It will also make it easier to kill you when he's ready to cast the spell.”

“If he were watching me, I would have sensed him. I haven't caught his scent or anything since we've returned.”

“I believe Nathaniel has a spy watching you and reporting back to him. Since it would be suspicious for him to observe you, and he doesn't want to risk you finding out he has the book, he sent one his followers to observe you for him,” Dax explained.

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