Chapter Six

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I don't think I had ever run so fast in my entire life. I made it back to the guildhall in less than two hours, gasping for air when I finally burst through the doors. “What happened to Levy?!”

“We aren't sure,” Makarov said. “Her headband was found this morning by Jet and Droy, and no one has seen her since yesterday.”

“I was with her last night,” I said, a horrible sick feeling swirling in my stomach. “She was on her way back to Fairy Hills.”

“Her headband was found not far from there, so we assume that's when she was taken,” Master said.

I had to lean against a table for support as the news sank in. If I had walked her home, then—

“Do you know who took her?” Lily asked, always the level-headed one.

“I'm afraid not.”

“Then what the hell are we all doing wasting time by standing around?! We should be out searching for her!” I shouted, furious that the old man seemed so calm.

“Running around aimlessly without any leads isn't going to help us find Levy,” Lucy said.

“Do you know why anyone would want to take her?” Master asked me. I shook my head, unable to think about anything as my mind swam with worry.

“On her last job she said that she, Jet, and Droy were attacked by a dark guild. On that same job, they found an old book written in an unknown language. Isn't that correct?” Lily looked to Levy's teammates, who nodded.

“Could the book be important?” Droy asked.

“Perhaps the guild you fought was searching for that book. If they knew you had found it, it's possible that they came after you to get it.”

“But why take Levy?” Jet sighed, obviously frustrated.

“If Levy couldn't read it, maybe they couldn't read it either,” Erza said. “And if they found out that Levy was good with deciphering ancient languages—”

“—they could have taken her to help them read it!” Lucy gasped.

“That's good,” Makarov nodded.

“How is that good?! Those bastards kidnapped Levy, and you're saying it's good? What the hell, old man?!” I snapped, grabbing him by the front of his shirt.

“It's good because that means they need her alive,” he said, staring into my red eyes. “Levy's a smart girl, so she'll pick up on that quickly. As long as they need her, they'll keep her alive. That gives her the opportunity to stall until we can get there, or until she can escape.”

I released him, sighing. He was right. As long as Levy knew they needed her, she would hold them off. I'm coming for you, Levy, so just wait for me.


“Where am I?” I groaned, opening my eyes. I pushed my bangs out of my face, remembering I had lost my headband the night before. After stepping into the magic circle, I must have lost consciousness. I couldn't remember what happened after that, nor did I know where I was.

“She's awake!” I heard someone yell, causing me to jerk upright. I seemed to be in a small bedroom. Except for the bed I had been laying on, there was no other furniture in the room. I also noticed that there were no windows, and the only door to the room I assumed was locked and guarded. When the doorknob turned, and the door was swung open, I jumped to my feet and prepared to fight.

“Well, aren't you a feisty little wizard,” a hooded man chuckled. “We diminished your magic power when we went through the portal, so what could you possibly do to me?”

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