Chapter Twenty-Three

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“Levy, if there's an enchantment on even the walls, how do you plan on breaking through them?” Jet asked.

“Every spell has a weakness,” I said. “These were placed on the outside, so I can't see them through the walls to rewrite them, but we can still find the weakest point in the enchantment and focus all of our attacks on one spot. If we all attack it at the same time, it should cause the barrier to collapse, allowing us to get out of here.”

“If we can't see them, how can we tell where the weakest spot is?” Droy frowned.

“We should feel it. There will be a slight difference compared to the rest of the barrier. When you attack, focus very carefully on how it feels when it hits the wall. The place that it feels like it almost broke through is the area we're looking for.” After I had explained, we went to work. I told them to cast small spells while testing so we didn't use all of our magic energy—something just enough to break down a wall. Once we found the weak spot, we would put out a lot more magic energy to break through, but that shouldn't drain us too much if it's just one spell.

I want to save as much magic as I can so I can help Gajeel when we get out of here. I could hear fighting from just beyond the wall I stood at, and assumed it was Gajeel and the fake me. I hadn't believed Nathaniel when he said Gajeel wouldn't fight me because of his feelings for me. And, even if it was true, I doubt Gajeel will be the one fighting. If my theory's correct, whenever the magic becomes active in my body, it is taking over Gajeel's. I'm guessing it stops being active once it has control over him, so it goes back into its dormant state in me to conserve magic energy.

Although I had a pretty good feeling I was right, I prayed I wasn't. The magic proved to me during our last confrontation that it couldn't be reasoned with, and it seemed to have a strong desire to take my life for some reason. Lucky me.

“It's right here!” Droy shouted. His eyebrows were scrunched up in concentration, and he was staring at the wall hard. “I'm pretty sure this is it. It felt like the wall was going to give way, but then it didn't.”

“Nice job, Droy!” I cheered as Jet and I joined him at the far left side of the wall furthest from the door. “Okay guys, this is it. On the count of three, focus your magic on this spot. One. Two. Three!”

We cast our spells, and I knew Droy had been right. I could feel the barrier crumbling, and suddenly we were blasting through the wall.

“Levy, you're a genius!” Jet shouted as we rushed from the building.

I was too focused on finding Gajeel to respond. I followed the sound of shouting down the street, and finally came upon them. The other me was already down. She was laying unconscious at the foot of a broken pole—one I'm guess she had been thrown into—and looked like she was hurt really bad. Gajeel was now fighting Nathaniel, who wasn't in much better shape. I could immediately tell from the dark aura around him that Gajeel had been taken over again. This isn't good.

“Levy, what are we going to do?” Droy asked. “Gajeel's strong under normal circumstances, but with that magic in him, he isn't holding back at all.”

“Go to Fairy Tail,” I said, “and get the others. If I can't get through to him, then I'll need help restraining him.”

“You aren't planning on fighting him,” Jet said, shocked. “Levy, he tried to kill you—”

“I know,” I sighed, “but I can't just stand here and do nothing! Now you two go! I'll be fine until you get back. I promise, I won't do anything foolish.” I silently apologized for lying to them, but I knew it was the only way to get them to stop worrying.

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