Chapter Eleven

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 Once again, I sat with my arm chained to the table as I worked on the book of dark magic for Dax. Not long after my frightening dream had woken me up, Nathaniel had returned to my cell and brought me to the same room as before. I was almost finished with the translations, but I hadn't been writing down my findings—I didn't want Dax to be able to get a hold of the magic inside the book. I need to figure out a way to destroy this book. I can't keep pretending to not know what it says. They'll eventually catch on that I'm stalling. When they did, it wouldn't end well for me.

As I continued working, my stomach suddenly gave a loud growl of protest, considering I hadn't eaten anything in two days. I hadn't had much time to think about being hungry, but the noise made me realize how weak I felt. Nathaniel had heard it, too, and left the room for a short while before returning with a bowl of delicious-smelling soup.

“Here,” he said, placing the bowl in front of me.

“No thanks,” I said, though my stomach growled again, even more loudly, and my mouth watered slightly.

“Eat it. I can't have you passing out before you finish,” he snapped.

When I still refused, he sat next to me, glaring at me with piercing blue eyes. “You're going to eat. If you don't willing do so, I'll be forced to help you. Do you want that?”

“No,” I frowned, never averting my gaze. Stay strong, Levy.

“Good,” he grinned, patting me on the head, “now eat.”

I did as he said, and graciously devoured everything in the bowl. After finishing, I sighed, glad to have something in my stomach. If I'm going to escape again, I'll need my strength. I kept telling myself that that was I only reason I had listened to Nathaniel and ate the soup. He instructed me to return to my work before taking the bowl and leaving the room once more.

Again, I did as he said, eager to finish. I had come so close before he brought the soup, and I knew I would finish that day. However, I would continue working as if I hadn't. They can't know what magic this book contains. It's too dangerous. Honestly, I was a bit afraid of it myself. Just by reading the text, I felt a darkness begin to wash over me, and a bad feeling sank deep into my body.

I gasped, finally figuring out the last part of the book. I quickly closed it, thankful that Nathaniel had yet to return. This is bad. Really, really bad! I have to destroy this book!

While I silently panicked, Nathaniel returned to the room. It had been nearly thirty minutes, and he looked quite annoyed about something. “Come on,” he snapped, unchaining me and holding onto my arm tightly.

“Where are we going?” I asked as he drug me down the corridor, and up several flights of stairs.

“Master Dax wants to see you,” he answered.

“What? Why?”

“I don't know,” he growled, “I was just told to bring you.”

I didn't like any of the possible reasons for Dax deciding to summon me. What if he knows I've been keeping what I know about the book a secret? What if he's just tired of me, and has decided to just get rid of me? My muscles tensed as I thought about the different scenarios. In the end, none of them would turn out in my favor.

“We're here.” Nathaniel knocked on a set of large, wooden double doors, and pushed me inside once given the OK.

“Levy, so nice of you to join me,” Dax said, smiling wickedly as he waved everyone but me from the room. “Come closer.”

“I'm fine right here,” I said, trying to keep the quiver out of my voice.

“Now now, don't be difficult,” he chuckled. With a slight wave of his hand, I was suddenly pulled forward, stopping just in front of him. “That's better. Now we can chat face-to-face.”

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