Love Me Not (A Gale Fan Fiction) {Fairy Tail}

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So, I started another Gale fan fic... I couldn't help myself. X3 I have so many different fan fic ideas, so I was going to drive myself crazy if I didn't start at least one of them. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this book, and I'd LOVE to hear any thoughts/comments/suggestions/or any other feedback you may have on it! Thank you so much for the support, and happy reading! <3

Chapter One

 “Shrimp, you in there?” Gajeel asked, knocking quietly on my door.

“Gajeel?” I threw the book I had been reading down and raced to the door, throwing it open. “What are you doing here? You know you aren't supposed to be in the girls' dorm!” I quickly pulled him inside so that no one would see him. I didn't really want to get in trouble for having a giant dragon slayer standing outside of my dorm room.

“I knew you'd let me in if I came here,” he grinned, flashing his dragon slayer fangs.

“So, what are you doing here?” I asked again, blushing. His smile always did that to me. It sent my heart racing, and caused all of my senses to go into over-drive.

“I wanted to see you,” he said, gently pulling me closer.

“Gajeel,” I whispered, unable to take my eyes away from his searing red gaze as he moved closer. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. His strong arms rested on my lower back to hold me close as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

When he finally pulled away, we were both breathless. He chuckled, cupping my face with his hands. “I've been meanin' to tell ya this for a while now, Shrimp. I love--”

“Levy!” Jet and Droy's voices brought me abruptly from my daydream and back into reality. I fell onto the grass with a depressed sigh as they approached. They couldn't have waited three more seconds? Although, I knew that no matter how much I wished for something like my daydream to happen, it never would. Gajeel probably only thinks of me as something that needs protected, not a person who has feelings. Especially feelings for him.

“What's wrong, Levy?” Jet asked, sitting next to where I lay and looking down at me. Why can't I like Jet? He's so nice, and is always thinking of me. He's a great guy, and a wonderful friend. There it was. Friend. I could only ever think of Jet and Droy as my friends. There were no romantic feelings whatsoever. If anything, I thought of them as more like brothers. We had been together since we were little, so it would be weird to date one of them.

“I'm fine,” I reassured him, smiling. “Just bored.”

“That's perfect!” Droy chuckled. Since we had all returned from our seven year absence, Droy had really tried losing weight. Actually, I noticed that today he did look thinner. I smiled, glad that he seemed to be taking care of himself again.

“We found a job that would be fun, and it should last about a week,” Droy explained.

“Want to go?” Jet asked.

“Sure! Where are we going?” In all honestly, I just wanted the distraction. I had had the same daydream about Gajeel for over a week, so I needed to get away from the guild—and him. If we're always together, I'll never be able to get rid of these ridiculous feelings.

“Somewhere to the North, in the mountains,” Droy said.

“So make sure to pack warm clothes. We might have to sleep outside, too,” Jet frowned. “I don't think there are many towns around where we're going.”

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