Chapter I

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George just stands there, looking intently to the sickly boy with huge eyeglasses in front of her. Same age as her, 10. The boy smiled, showing off his awkward braces.

"yuck, is this the boy i'm gonna marry someday?" Georgina or George to most people, ask herself. "duh! looks like he could be killed in one punch!

"Hi Georgina! I'm Yun Anthony or Yuan Salas nice to meet you!" Yuan said admiring the cute filipino-japanese girl in front of him. with long black hair in a tight pony tail , wearing white shirt and pink skirt, black boots and black leather bracelets.

"hey" George's short reply. she went ahead, looking for her mom who's probably chatting with her bestfriend Cristina, Yuan's mother. She could still remember what her mom said;

"George i want you to be good with Yuan, who knows u may end up together someday"

George rolled her eyes " yuck mom what are you saying, i'm just 10!"

Her mom smiled. " i know hon, just kidding."

George saw her Mommy Jen and Cristina in the kitchen, baking cupcakes.

"Hi Mom,Hi Tita Cristina, i'm hungry"

"hi George! why dont you bring these cupcakes and juice to Yuan? he must be hungry from the 2-hour drive." Cristina said with a big smile.

" but uhm.."

"George, go ahead."

"uhm, 'kay mom."

George has been in and out of the house but she cant find Yuan. She put the food down and rode her bike hoping to find Yuan somewhere in the busy streets of Tondo, Manila.Just few minutes later, George saw kids shouting and throwing punches to a boy that looks like Yuan.

"Yuan!" George hurriedly get off her bike and ran towards him. With all her little strengths and hands, she pulled three boys,about her age, away from him.The boys looked at each other, scared.

"Kit?! Mark?! Benjie!?" George angrily shouted their names and pinched their noses one by one. " what did you do to him!?"

" George, w-we just taught him a lesson for not giving us m-money" Kit said, stammering. They know George, they're friends.

"What?You bugger!" George pinched their noses again. She brought out a 50-peso bill from her pocket and give it to them. The three smiled and excitedly went to the nearby street vendors. George helped Yuan to his knees who was obviously hurt everywhere.

" G-George what are you doing here? Were you looking for me?" She put Yuan's hand on her shoulder and helped him walked home. Great, Yuan just made her his baby sitter.

" Thank you" Yuan managed to say after finishing two huge cupcakes. " Wait, whoa! You were cool back there, do you know them? are they your friends?"

"Uh-huh." George gave him an eye roll. She cant help but notice his cute, chinky, amused eyes behind those humungous glasses.

"Cool" He sipped his last drop of juice and smiled, emphasizing those weird braces again.George gagged.

Yuan and his mother went home after making a promise that they would come back next month for George's school UN celebration with Maya, his younger sister. Once again, she would represent Japan wearing another gorgeous kimono sent by her Japanese father, Sochiru Yoshizaki.

" Ohayo min na! Watashi wa Georgina Yoshizaki. 10-Sai. Representing Japan!" George curtsied and waved to her audiences who were apparently amazed by her looks and presence. "Arigato."

She was wearing the traditional japanese kimono in light pink with red flowers printed on it and a gold sash. She put on red japanese sandals or zori and white socks.

" Hi George!" Tita Cristina hugged her. She saw Maya, a 4- year old cute girl holding her Mama's dress.

" Hello tita Cristina! Hi Maya!" George pinched Maya's rosy cheeks and hugged her.

" Hello ate George, you are so pretty"

" Thank you Maya" she looked around as if someone's missing.

" Hi George!" Yuan shouted as he excitedly opened the door of the dressing room. He's with his dad, Antonio.

" Whoaa! cool! you look like an anime character!"

George quickly hid the smile off her face.

" Why are you here? dont you have anything else to do like school?" she said and raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm.." Yuan looked down, he didnt know what to say.

" It's alright George, Yuan could always catch up with his classes" His Dad is a savior.

George was awarded Ms. UN 2005 and after the program they had dinner in a pizza and pasta restaurant. Her Mom let the whole family spend the night at their house because it would be too late for them to make the 2-hour ride home.

Her mom love the Salas family that she would invite them on every special occasion, and Cristina would never forget to bring Yuan along hoping to extend that special bond of friendship to their kids. Jen and Cristina were bestfriends since diaper days until Jen went to Japan as a professional singer and met Sochiro. But things didn't go perfectly between them, she went back home pregnant with George. Sochiro never abandoned them, he would send gifts and huge amount of money every month. He made sure that his family is well provided for. George knows because her mom tells her about him, about how generous and great he is. But George wanted more, she wants to see him or hear his voice, but it never happened. She would only wonder how it feels to have a father.

George and Yuan became playmates. She would make him pull her swing, or play the "it" in hide-and-seek. Of course George would make sure Yuan had a hard time finding her for she literary fits anywhere. She would hide at the back of the car, in a cabinet, or even in the freezer. sometimes, she would just lock her room and play Dota or Red Alert. Other times, she would hang out at her friend's house leaving Yuan tired and confused. During tough weather, the two would play video games wherein the loser will do anything the winner asks. Yuan is not much of a video game player, he would rather read books. George would make Yuan shine her boots, tidy her cabinet or do the household chores assigned to her. She just likes how Yuan do things around the house, their parents would congratulate them BOTH.

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