Chapter V

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George looked around the spacious, elegant interior of her father's private plane. It provides luxury that anyone would ever want. She sits on a very comfortable couch with a large LED TV facing her. Men in black coat and tie also sit quietly on the vacant sofa next to her. Delicious drinks and sumptuous food were prepared on a huge table. But she paid little or no attention to the different amenities around her. Her mind is afloat somewhere, sometime, back to when things were still okay and her caring, protective and loving mother was still alive.

She looked at the small, covered, earthen jar that she carefully placed on her lap. She's holding it firmly with both hands. "Mom.." The jar is in shiny black color with gold patterned design. Like the plain japanese kimono she is wearing, all black. She loved it. Black is now her new favorite color.

The heavy gate of the massive, concrete walls opened. George gaped at the unfamiliar sight that shows rich japanese culture. The place is wide, surrounded with a series of japanese wooden houses. What caught her attention is the huge cherry blossom tree blooming with pink flowers at the center. The doors of the lodges slid open and a multitude of men went out. They simultaneously bowed.

" Kon-nichiwa!, Shochiro-sama." They said in chorus. " Youkoso irasshai mashita, Georgina-sama." She shyly bowed back. She's starting to wonder what kind of life her father lives to have this numerous bodyguards.

She gazed at what is behind the cherry blossom tree. A highly-elevated enourmous red and gold japanese mansion stood. One beautiful red-haired, soft-skinned girl smiled and bowed at her.

" Georgina, this is Juno, she is tasked to attend to your every needs." her father said. George was surprised. The girl is just about her age!

" Hai, Otousan." She examined Juno. Can she depend on her? Can she trust anyone around this strange, big house? Is she even welcome here? She's scared and unsure but she kept the weird  feelings with cold and firm voice, like her father's. "How old are you?"

" I am 16, Georgina-sama."

" Well, at least she's 2 years older." She said to herself. Yeah right, looks like she's gonna have more talking-to-yourself moments around this house.

George stood in awe at the sight of her humongous bedroom.  The sliding door is made  of very thick glass cut in small squares fitted in wood. The wooden floor and walls are warm and comfortable. The huge television, and other personal appliances add a contemporary touch to the classic and traditional design of her room. She looked at the glass window, she smiled at the pink view of the cherry blossom. She carefully put her mother's remains on the side table, lied down to the king-sized mattress, and slept.

George almost jumped in shock when she opened the door and saw Juno waiting for her.

" Konbanwa! Georgina-sama! " She greeted her joyfully and smiled." Come, dinner is ready".

" Okay." she just said. She looked at Juno's red hair and weird way of dressing. "Is she on a cosplay or something?" She suddenly felt ashamed of her gray cotton sweatshirt, black skinny jeans and red slippers.

They're in the corridor when she crossed path with a tall, slender guy with fair skin and pale face, wearing a white japanese ankle-length robe. "Another weirdo". He stared at her blankly. She stared back, raising an eyebrow. As if on cue, he bowed at her, " Konbanwa..". She ignored his greeting and walked away.

She turned to say something to Juno but she saw her having a nice conversation with the weird guy.

" Konbanwa! Hiro-sama." Juno bowed low at him. Her red, luscious hair swayed. George saw a sparkle in Juno's  eyes and a wide smile on her lips.

" Konbanwa! Juno-chan." The guy replied. Now there's an inexplainable warmth in his voice. " How are you?"

" I'm fine, Hiro-sama. Arigato!"

"You're welcome." He went ahead. George smirked at the sight of them, she didn't like the guy.

Juno walked near her, swaying her hips.

" Juno, who is he?" George asked.There's this authoritative tone in her voice that's new to her. She knows, she has changed.

" Gomen'nasai, Georgina-sama,I f-forgot to introduce him to you" Juno explained with an apologetic voice. " H-he is Hiro Yoshizaki, your older brother."


kon'nichiwa- gud afternoon

youkoso irasshai mashita- welcome

konbanwa- gud evening.

Whoa! I love this chap, so japanese! please add this to your library guyz!

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