Chapter XIII

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George drives her black bulletproof Hummer slowly to take a better look at what seemed to be a bakery beside the Imperial Condominiums. The place doesn't compliment the elegant, contemporary design of her building. It looks ugly, cheap and old, way below her high-standard business taste. Its presence irritates her. Low-class people are happily chatting and drinking coffee in cheap cups and saucers on the equally cheap tables and chairs. She thought of getting rid of that rotten place as soon as possible because it ruins not only the image of the Imperial Condominiums but the whole YGC Properties and Real Estate.

The guards opened the gates for her. George noticed the fully-occupied parking area, it even took her a while to find a space for her Hammer." Getting rid of that lowly place is like hitting two birds in one stone" She thought.

She went inside and liked the black and white checkered tiled floor of the lobby and the humungous chandelier that hangs on the ceiling.

" Good Morning, Ms. Yoshizaki".

Samantha, the young, pretty manager of the building greeted her. George wondered what are the things the manager did in order to reach that position.

Samantha inspected her. "So this is Georgina Yoshizaki everyone's talking about". With her bluish hair tied in a tight ponytail that emphasizes her fiery japanese eyes, high-heeled black leather boots and violet knee-length blazer over a white tailored dress, she sure looks like a woman you won't dare messing with.

"But I have done a lot of things to be in this place, and I will not let her intimidate me." She smiled at her.

George grinned back, but she is smart enough to notice how fake Samantha's smile was. "This girl is up for a challenge".

"This way Ma'am" Samantha led her to the massive function hall. This is the place where tenants and residents of the building could unwind and relax, or hold parties and gatherings if they want to. George liked the indoor garden at the center, the coffee shop and minibar on the side. She sits on the couch.

" Ma'am would you like to have a cup of coffee?"

" Yes, that would do"

Samantha walked to the counter and brought her a cup of coffee. George took a sip. She didn't like it, the coffee tastes horrible. She put it aside. No wonder she couldn't see anyone around.

" You did a very good job for the interior design of the building Samantha, I would like to commend you for that".

" Thank you so much Ma'am" Samantha was surprised hearing those words from her.

" But I want you do something for me.Find out who's the owner of that aweful bakery beside us and schedule an appointment with him."

" Y-yes Ma'am"

George stood up. " And one more thing. I hate the coffee, it tastes horrible. For a moment, I wanted to threw it at your pretty face but I didn't. You should thank me for that. The next time you fail me, you're out of here".

Samantha's face turned pale white. George made it clear she's really the person not to mess with.

Mr. Quintin Villanueva impatiently waits for the certain Ms. Georgina Yoshizaki at the function hall of the Imperial Condominiums. He is not used with the cold airconditioning of the place and the horrible coffee they served didn't help at all. " Coffee at that warm and cozy place made by Yuan is waaay much better."

The old man smiled thinking about how his old house turned out to be. Everyday, he would hang out there together with his senior citizen friends. Plus, he gets his coffee for free. He also thinks that Yuan is a responsible guy and he knows he would make her daughter happy. He stood up when he saw a young, beautiful but fierce-looking lady approached him. "It must be her"

" Good afternoon Mr. Villanueva. Thank you, you finally agreed to see me." She smiled. She hates this old man, he made her wait for a week for this meeting.

" Uh, you're welcome Ma'am. But I still don't know what this meeting is all about" he smiled back, shyly. " Honestly, I was really hesitant about this so I wasn't able to decide immediately."

"I understand Mr, Villanueva, and you wouldn't mind if I tell you my concerns right away, would you?"

" That would be great Ma'am"

" Alright, I heard that you own that old bakery or whatever it is beside this building right Mr. Villanueva?"

" Ah, yes Ma'am, but uhm-"

" YGC Properties and Real Estate would like to buy that lot Mr. Villanueva, name your price" George didn't let him finish what he was about to say.

George saw a hint of confusion in the old man's eyes.

Quintin didn't know what to say. " Is she serious? why would a big business name like YGC wants the very little piece of land he owns?"

" I'm sorry Ms. Yoshizaki, but I don't understand. Why would you want that little piece of land where in fact I'm sure you own even bigger and better properties?"

" You're right Mr. Villanueva, but as you might have noticed, Imperial Condominiums need a wider parking area and I think your land is exactly what we have in mind."

Quintin stands up. " I am not selling my property for that useless and selfish reason Ms. Yoshizaki. Someone else is using it for a bigger and much better cause. Good day." He was about to leave when George mentioned something.

" Does YGC Lending sound familiar to you Mr. Villanueva?"

Quintin looked at her. George smirked.

" Of course it does, you're one of its valued clients isn't it? How much do you owe us? If I may ask? three hundred, five hundred thousand maybe?" George looked at him with cunning eyes.

Quintin was shocked of what she said. What else does this woman know?

" What exactly do you want Ms. Yoshizaki?"

" You and I know what I want, old man. You let me acquire that stupid piece of land and evrything you owe to the YGC Lending will be erased."

" I can pay everything I owe to the Lending Ms. Yoshizaki ."

George laughed. " You're really funny Mr. Villanueva. Are you sure? You can't even pay your wife's chemotherapy and hospital bills!"

Quintin is left off-guard. " How can you-"

" I have reliable sources, old man. Oh my!" She suddenly exclaimed." I almost forgot Mr. Villanueva, you're new house is about to be taken by the Asian Bank right? I know, old man, that bank is YGC's long time partner!" She said, excitedly. She won't give up. What Georgina wants, Georgina gets. She saw the old man's face fell, as if everything comes to reality.

" Your jobless daughter would be devastated knowing all these things. I mean, how could she bare finding out that her mother's dying, and you're about to lose your home for that, and you didn't even tell her."

Quintin lost his patience that he shouted. " Don't you ever drag my daughter to this mess!"

George just grinned wickedly. " Exactly Mr. Villanueva, you're in a huge mess. And one easy way to get out is to let me buy that stupid, rotten place!"

Quintin sits on the chair carefully while holding his aching chest. He's really confuse now. " But what about Yuan? Can I really do this to them?"

George suddenly felt guilty seeing the old man struggle. But she dismissed the feeling immediately. She mustn't stop now. She took the paper from her briefcase.

" Sign it old man. The moment you do, everything you owe to YGC Lending is gone. You get to keep your house, and I'm giving you the exact selling price of your property."

Quintin took a deep breath and signed, hoping that Yuan will always be the kind-hearted person he knows, and forgive him.


Whoa! Guyz get ready for the next chap. You surely know what's in it. Thanks for reading! please leave a comment. I wanna know what's on your mind.

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