Chapter VII

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It's been four years since her mother died. She has already spent four years of her life in her father's care. And for the past four years, everything has changed. Her taste, her character, personality, needs and wants has changed. Her whole life has changed. And she's celebrating her 18th birthday today.

As a child, George dreamed of a princess-like 18th birthday party. 18 roses, 18 treasures. A ball, dinner, beautiful pink gown, gorgeous high-heeled glass shoes. Now she thinks of them only as childish wishes.Today, she is dreaming of a one-of-a kind birthday celebration. Luxurious gifts, a grand introduction to the Yoshizaki clan, mass sword dances, fireworks display or anything that would excite her.

She looked at her image in the mirror. Her long, jet-black hair is now galaxy-blue in color, it becomes blue when exposed to direct sunlight and gets darker under dim light. She is wearing a long, expensive silk kimono in red and black. The color of blood and death. Her japanese slippers are made of pure ivory and silver that shines superbly. The black diamond necklace and earrings that she wear was her father's gift on her 16th birthday. At 18, she has grown slimmer and taller more than the average.

" Konbanwa, Georgina-sama, the dinner starts thirty minutes from now, will you be ready?" Juno asked her. Her hair is still red, but her cosplay taste has subsided. She loves wearing jeans now, it makes her move easily and quickly. George looked at Juno's clothes, white long sleeves collared shirt and black slacks. It looks dull, ugly and manly, the guard's uniform.

"Juno-chan, what are you wearing?" she asked, wide-eyed.

" The usual, Georgina-sama, It's your party not mine." She just smiled " By the way, you look stunning".

" Arigato, Juno-chan." George looked at her as she went out of her hotel room. Juno, for the past four years has been her friend, baby-sitter, body guard, trainer, and her own personal assassin.

George gripped her black katana tightly as she steps down the hotel staircase. She has been attached to her blade the moment she took it from the tussle hall. Juno and a group of armed men followed her. The dinner is held at the Tokyo World Hotel, one of the hotels owned by the Yoshizaki family. Tables and chairs are arranged for the guests, some familiar, some strange. The ballroom is adorned with magnificent and expensive chandeliers. She heard people chattering as she steps, then a huge round of applause is heard. George smiled. She saw her father waiting for her. He took her hand and kissed it.

" Tanjoubi omedetou, watashi nu musume" he greeted her. It's been four years but he never aged a bit.

" Arigatou, Otousan." He held her to the center of the ballroom and they both bowed. Once again, the people applauded. Her father cleared his throat and speak.

" Everyone, thank you so much for being here tonight to witness my one and only daughter's celebration of beauty, elegance and independence". He looked at her with proud and loving eyes and whispered. " Watashi nu ai, watashi nu musume"

She smiled. " Arigato, otousan" She looked at her guests. " Everyone, Arigato gozaimasu"

They all went to their seats and feast with the sumptuous asian cuisines, bottomless expensive wines and delicious desserts. Hiro greeted her.

" Happy birthday, Georgina-sama" He smiled and kissed her hand.

" Arigato, Oniichan" She smiled back. They were never close. They both make an invisible gap between them. But at least they are civil. They were times that George needed a brother to lean on, but Hiro has always been cold and distant. And she was proud and snob. He went back to his seat, beside Juno. After dinner, they were entertained with a heavily-costumed pair of chinese acrobats, followed by a group of fire dancers. The emcee, a weird looking, long haired man in colorful clothes and extreme make-up spoke. He looks like a clown, a very scary clown.

" All rrrrightttt! thank you so much for our entertainers this evening! why dont you give them a round of applause?!" Everyone did what he said, except for some, including George who seemed bored.

" And now, why dont we proceed to the most awaited part of Georgina-sama's birthday celebration!" He shouted, a smile plastered on his artificially improved face." Grab your seats everyone!!Ichi...Ni... San...Here it is!"

The door of the huge ballroom opened. Everyone gasped in shock and fear seeing what's behined the door. A group of armed men entered, dragging a severely injured man in his early fifties, walking on his knees and cuffed hands. They put him at the center of the ballroom.

" No! Do not do this to me!" He shouted and looked around. His eyes stopped as he saw Sochiro. He tried to get near him but the men stopped him. " Gomen'nasai Sochiro sama! Gomen'nasai!" He shouted hysterically, tears fall on his bruised face."No! I'm innocent! Do not kill me!"

Everybody's making inaudible comments.

" Silence!"The emcee shouted, and smiled again. " This american man was the former account manager of Yoshizaki Lending Company in Las Vegas. He conspicously plundered millions of dollars from our company and travelled around the world with his mistresses."

He explained, having a great time doing it. George looked at Sochiro. He's drinking his wine, unaffected with what is going on around him. George doesn't know what to think or feel. The emcee continued.

" Good thing, our ingenious and ever hard working Hiro-sama captured him and brought him tonight for justice!" Now everyone nodded with approval. " Arigato gozaimasu Hiro-sama!" Everyone bowed and thanked him.

" And since it's her special birthday celebration..." He looked at George's direction and smiled wholeheartedly. "Why don't we give Georgina-sama the honor of punishing this unfortunate old man and give us justice once and for all!" Everybody shouted in agreement. George felt numb and glued on her seat.She was speechless, amazed and stunned at the same time. The overwhelming and unexplainable feeling she felt the first time she held her katana went back.

Her father looked at her.

" Georgina, it's your chance, you can do it, prove them your worth". He said seriously. George stood up holding her blade tightly and bowed at her father.

" Hai, Otousan."

She looked at the culprit. His swollen and injured eyes stared painfully at her. Guests now gazing at them with excitement." Can I do this? Is the crime he comitted enough to sentence him to die?"

"Georgina-sama! forgive me!" He shouted. He's now on his knees, his both hands fixed on the floor. He bent his back continuously. " Gomen'nasai! Georgina-sama! Gomen'nasai".

George snatched the blade of one guard and throw it near him.

" Since justice should be served fairly, I'm giving you a fair fight." George confidently said. She saw Juno walked nearer, aiming her bow and arrow at him, preparing to shoot. She's unleashing the archer within her. George's other bodyguards did the same.

The man hastily grabbed the blade. His eyes sparkle with hope, it could mean his life and freedom.


Tanjoubi omedetou- Happy birthday

Arigato Gozaimasu- Thank you very much

Watashi nu ai- I love you

Ichi.. ni.. san- 1...2...3

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