Chapter XI

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Chapter XI

Rebecca gathered what little belongings she had first came with her Aunt and Uncle estate she wouldn't bring herself to take the garments she Aunt Mrs. Bennett had purchased for her with generosity since she waited till everyone in the household had fallen fast asleep as well as the servants she waited till there were no sounds in the halls of impending footsteps when all had became deathly still she quickly lifted herself up grabbed her belongings she decided she'd sneak out the back kitchens she smiled to herself what would Sir John think of his beroth disappearance would he very well cry off?, would her Aunt and Uncle forgive her from fleeing with all they have afforded her , Will her mother and father forgive her for furthering their chances of being very well provided for , for a fortuane?'  she wouldn't dare focus on it further her mind was made up.

Her feet on the wooden floors made a creak with each creak she was very much afraid that she'd begin to wake the whole household and they would surely know what she was about she prayed continuously with each step which placed a sound on the wooden floor when she had made it to the kitchens she was quite certain a servant saw her ever so sure which would be to her disadvantage. She hid behind the wall with her back stilled hoping the servant had not seen her, she breathed shallowly dared not to move an inch unless she drew further attention to herself when the servant looked  round the kitchens she vacated back to the servants quarters. She waited till the servant Helga went about the steps before continuing on with her quest.

She proceeded once she is known all was clear and shut the door gently behind her, she was sad she had been leaving the safe harbour of her Uncle and Aunt's abode. Though she would not have her fate sealed to Sir John nor Duke William . The sky was very dark though she admired the stars she knew not where she would go next now that she was free she knew her Aunt and Uncle would surley be looking for her and maybe Sir John his she knew of a controlling nature she could hear the music of crikets and grasshopers which reminded her of milton she now walked fast along usure where her feet would be taking her . Rebbecca was always an obedient proper Lady she could risk her reputation though she was assured her fate to Sir John , to a man known of his coldness , his aloffness his harshness wasn't a Gentleman she'd wed she walked where her feet had taken her till finally a dock a ship which was almost ready to take off she found herself boarding wherever it shall take her in hopes of finding a life for herself a new life wherever this boat shall leave would be her new life she knew this to be foolish for her leaving without word though she'd decide her fate for love not fortuane she was determined she would not be pawned to the likes of Sir John she brought out her King James Bible and began reading within her chambers .

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