t w o: November.

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November comes in just a blink of an eye and Camila feels herself being more and more drawn to Lauren. Lauren does too. They spend hours texting each other, about books and music, universe and Illuminate theories, Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl. They talk about everything and nothing and even the silence seems nice.

A bit too nice for Lauren's liking.

So, when one Wednesday night she spends her time talking to Lucy and Lucy brings up how Lauren acts towards Camila, Lauren realizes something and hangs up the phone.

A few moments later she calls Lucy again and tells her she's sorry, Lucy only hums and waits for Lauren's explanation, although she's pretty sure she knows what it is.

"I think I like her." Laure admits "I don't even know if she's into girls Luc, we never talked about it."

"All you have to do is ask her Lauren, c'mon, the girl looks at you like you put the stars in the sky. She's always on your practice."

Lauren protests that Camila comes to their practice because of Dinah, but a part of her thinks that perhaps Lucy is right.

So, after their conversation is over, she realizes she'll take a chance and ask Camila out, and if Camila says no, she'll play it cool and say it's not a big deal.

She feels anxious the whole Thursday and decided she'll ask Camila out after their practice. She knows the younger girl will be there.

Her hopes and dreams come crushing down during lunch when Dinah shares a secret about Camila going out with Dominic Hale. She tries to remember if Camila ever mentioned Dominic at all and comes to conclusion that the only time she mentioned Dominic was when she went to his place because she had a school project to do with his sister. Other than that, it's all blank.

Vero notices that Lauren's face is paler than usual so she drags her to the bathroom where Lauren breaks down.

She takes the keys of Vero's car and decides to spend her free period driving around and clearing her head instead of spending it with Camila like she usually does.

She fakes her happiness for Camila. She fakes smiles and laughs and listens to everything Camila says about Dominic, because that's what friends do.

And when the night falls down and the sky is dark and full of stars, Lauren spends her time with a pencil and a paper and somehow all of her drawings and writings remind her of Camila. It's not a surprise really, considering Camila is on her mind whenever she does it.

What Lauren doesn't know though is that Camila also fakes it. She fakes that she likes Dominic. Don't get her wrong, she likes him, but just as a friend, or well, as a person. She's not into him. He doesn't have green eyes and his laugh doesn't give her the butterflies, his teeth aren't as white as pearls and his vocabulary isn't that rich; simply, he's not Lauren.

She doesn't realize it at first but she's watching a movie one night and thinks how dumb the girl in the movie is because she isn't aware of the fact she's in love with her best friend. And then, it hits her. It hits her like a truck.

She can see herself and Lauren in each and every scene that is on the screen and decides she needs to talk to Dinah about it. Dinah will know what to do.

"Break up with him." Dinah shrugs when Camila tells her


"Girl, I don't even care if you're into girls or boys, but if you don't like him, break up with him. It's as simple as that."

"Dinah, he's the first boy that ever liked me, I can't just break up with him out of the blue."

"It's not out of the blue, you're into Jauregui and—"

"Dinah! Keep it quiet. I don't want everyone to know just yet, okay?"

"Okay, I'm here for you if you need me, you do know that, right?"

"I know Dinah, thank you." Camila smiles and hugs the taller girl

"Of course Walz. But just to be clear, you're not straight?"

"I'm not sure what I am, but I think Lauren is a proof I'm not straight."

"You'd look hot together. Just saying." Dinah winks at her

"I doubt it'll happen."

But as the day go by, Camila feels herself drifting away from Dominic and trying to spend her time with Lauren.

And although, Lauren feels like Camila should spend her time with her boyfriend, she doesn't really complain. Why would she? Camila is hugging her and kissing her cheeks every chance she gets. And for Lauren, it feels like heaven.

The time she spends with Camila, Lauren cherish it with all of her heart.

When Lucy and Alexa tell her she should perhaps distance herself a bit, before her feelings get even stronger, Lauren tells them she's okay.

She's not really.

Because during school, she feels broken whenever she sees Dominic standing near Camila's locker.

"You should listen to Luce and Lexi." Vero tells her one day during lunch

"Not you too." Lauren groans

"Yes, me too. Look Lo, we just want to see you happy."

"I am happy." Lauren argued

"You look like a hurt puppy Lauren."

"I do not."

"You do, yes. I can see the hurt in your eyes when she laughs at his jokes."


"I'm just saying, you should think about it, taking some distance, you know? It wouldn't be the worst idea. At least think about it, please? I care about you and I hate seeing you like this."

"I'll think about it Vero, I promise. I just—look at her. She's so precious."

"So are you. Your feelings are valid too, your happiness is valid Lauren, and your mental health. You're going to go crazy if you keep doing this to yourself."

"I know, but I don't think I can stay away from her."

"And you don't have to, not completely, just distance yourself a bit."

Lauren looked at Camila one more time before nodding.

"Maybe you're right. I'll think about it."

"With brain, not heart, okay?"

"With brain." Lauren confirmed

"Tonight?" Vero proposed

"I have to study for my Spanish exam."

"That's bullshit and we both know it."

"Fine," Lauren huffs "tonight."

Boy, was she in for a long long night.

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