f i v e: February.

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Vero's still there, and as long as Vero's there, Lauren's okay. Kind of. She still needs her heart to heart talks with Alexa and she still needs Lucy's stupid jokes. But she's okay.

She hasn't spoken to Camila in a bit more than a month, and she hasn't spoken to Dinah in two weeks.

She doesn't really blame Dinah, it's not like they were close friends anyway, but the younger girl could at least be a bit more polite.

She figures it's because of Camila and obviously, Dinah is going to choose her best friend over a teammate she barely talks to.

When it comes to Camila and what she's been up lately, Lauren has no idea. The only thing she does know is that the younger Latina managed to score perfect 100% on her Spanish exam; she only knows it because she and Lucy stayed behind for some extra grades and one of their tasks was to grade exams that sophomores took a day before.

It just had to happen that the third exam on Lauren's pile was signed by K. Camila Cabello.

And for some reason, it warmed Lauren's heart. She was glad Camila is doing good in her classes, although she never really did doubt her knowledge of Spanish. Heck, half of their texts used to be in Spanish; or well, Spanglish.

She wanted to text Camila and let her know, but decided against it. Texting her after a month of not talking, just to let her know she got an A+ was a bit off.

So, she didn't.

She still checked Camila's Tumblr though, and she would still creep on Camila's Instagram every once in a while, trying not to double tap.

She also still followed Dinah and she'd have that sad smile on her face whenever the blonde girl would upload a picture of herself and the Cuban-Mexican.

It still hurt, but it was getting better.

There were days when Lauren wouldn't think about Camila at all, when she'd laugh so hard with her friends and lose track of time, when she'd spend her evenings playing Monopoly with her siblings or when she'd go out for a run with Chris.

She was getting better, slowly but surely.

She was having one of her better days on particular Friday when she deiced to go to the movies with a few teammates.

Hell, she didn't even care what movie they're going to see, all she knew is that they're going to have a great time.

Lilly, one of her teammates picked her up on her way. Lilly was a senior and this is the third year they've been playing together so they weren't really strangers. But they weren't that close either.

She was glad that Stella was there. Somehow, during her time in the team, she and Stella grew close to each other. They weren't best friends or anything, but they did hang out every once in a while.

She was even more thankful for Stella when they arrived at the mall and walked over to the cinema.

"Where's Vero?" Lauren questioned "Wasn't she supposed to ride with you guys?"

"Was, yeah. She got grounded." April replied

"Again?" One of the girls questioned

Lauren pulled out her phone and saw a missed call from her best friend, followed by a text where she explains she got grounded for failing her chemistry exam.

"Again." Lauren confirmed

"We already bought the tickets, though. What now? Is she still gonna pay or—"

Lauren tuned out because she honestly couldn't deal with Preston being a bitch right now. Who even invited her? Oh, right; no one; she invited herself.

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