e i g h t e e n: March.

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The first of March, just two hours after the midnight, Lauren's phone goes off.

"Fucking hell." She mutters under her breath as she blindly tries to find her phone

She doesn't even bother to look at the screen before picking it up.


"Hey uh-- it's me-- are-- are you--uhm-- are you sleeping?"

"Camz? What's up? Are you okay?"

"I-- can you-- I need you."

Lauren's heart aches at the sound of her girlfriend's broken voice before she gets out of the bed.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Will you be okay? Do you want me to put you on the speaker as I drive?"


"Give me a second to put on some clothes." 

Lauren looks around the room before spotting one of her practice T-shirts and a pair of running shorts before putting them on and grabbing her keys.

She doesn't even bother to question the fact her brothers are in the living room, playing Mario Kart.

It's not long after when she parks her car in Camila's driveway, not even bothering to lock it before storming into the house, using the spare key that's hanging next to the door.

Lauren still finds it clever that the Cabello family hides their key on a key chain with bunch of other, fake keys. You just gotta know which one is real, and Lauren does.

Carefully not to wake up any member of Camila's family, Lauren makes her way towards her girlfriend's room and lets out a gasp as she finds her girlfriend sitting on the floor, slightly shaking.

"C--Camz?" Lauren whispers gently

Camila's brown eyes look up at her, and it takes only a millisecond for Lauren to see that they aren't light brown anymore. They are dark brown, black almost.

"I-- I did something bad. I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking stupid. I-- I knew--" Camila's breathing was getting harder and Lauren got down on her knees in front of her to kiss her

"What-- did you take something?"

There was a timid nod coming from Camila and Lauren only hugged the younger girl tightly.

"I'm scared Lauren. My heart-- it's going crazy and I'm dizzy and--"

"Shh, it's okay, can you get up?"

"My legs are wobbly."

"Do you know what you took?"

Camila shakes her head no before biting her lower lip nervously.

Lauren tries to get up, but is stopped when Camila only hugs her tighter.

"Don't go."

"You gotta let me go Camzi, I have to get you some water, I'll be right back."

Luckily, she doesn't have to go far away because there's a water bottle on Camila's desk.

"Drink this, but not too much, okay?"

Lauren stays there, holding her girlfriend until her shaking slowly but surely stops, until her heartbeat stops going crazy and until her eyes are ready to sleep.

"No. No sleeping Camila. I don't know what you took, I can't let you sleep."

"You're mad." Camila mumbles

"I-- I'm not mad. I'm just-- frustrated? Yeah, that's it."

"I'm sorry." 

"I know."

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