Part Four: New York Life

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"I'm gonna miss you mija." My mom says as she hugs me one last time before I leave. Makayla's parents are saying their goodbyes to her too.

"I'll miss you too mom. I'll text you when we land." I tell her assuringly.

I walk over to Makayla and she nods and we wave one last time and then leave for our flight. 

"They act like we are moving away forever! We are only going for a couple of weeks." I giggle.

"I know right! I'm so excited!" She says in a sing song voice 

We bored our flight and take off. I look out the window and see the ground getting further and further away. It's a bit scary but it's beautiful at the same time. I look over at Makayla who has already made herself comfortable and is asleep. I Put in my earbuds and start listening to One Direction. Man I love me some Liam😂

I woke up to someone shaking me. I guess I had fallen asleep because Makayla was telling me to wake the heck up. 

"We're here!!!!!" She shrieked. We got a few weird looks but I didn't care. 

"Well let's go!" I said grabbing my stuff.

We went and got our bags and went to a taxi that Jimmy had sent for us. I quickly texted my mom and then looked out the window at then huge city. 

"Wow this is amazing" I said but realized it was more if a whisper.

"Well here we are" the driver stopped I front of a huge hotel. We got off and went to check in. 

"Good thing the company payed for everything. I don't think we would have been able to afford this." I said looking around the hotel. We went and found our room and as soon as we opened the door we were in heaven. 

"Oh my sweet cheese! These beds are so comfy!" Makayla said plopping down on one. I went and sat next to her and turned on the tv. 

"So when do you meet with the record label people?" Makayla asked.

"Jimmy said we didn't have time there till 7 tomorrow, so I was thinking we could go see the city before." 

"Yeah that sounds like fun!" 

I hopped off the bed and went to shower. I don't like to shower in the morning, I like to shower at night so I feel clean when I go to sleep.  

I finished with my shower and came out to find Makayla sprawled out on the bed. She was dead asleep. I went and shoved her over and then layed next to her. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

Next Day

"Oh my gosh look at that one!" Makayla whispered. We are sitting at a restaurant eating an early dinner while we people watch. It sounds weird but it's actually pretty interesting. 

"Yeah he's cute. You should go get his number." I say with a mouthful of food.

"Like I would actually do that!" She laughed 

All day we had gone to museums, parks and a bunch or other places. We payed and then left the restaurant. It's only 5:45 and it's already getting kinda dark. We just walk around the city to kill sometime and continue to people watch.

" Omg what is that dude wearing?!" I gasped as Makayla showed me who she was talking about. There was a man who looked about forty and he was wearing a neon yellow jumpsuit with a gold chain around his neck. He had flip flops on and his hat was backwards.

"What the heck?" I burst into laughter and we kept walking.

I got out my maps on my phone and saw that the studio was within walking distance so we didn't need a cab. Besides I don't know how to call a cab. I put my phone away and we keep waking. 

A little while later I look at my phone and it's already 6:50!!

"What the heck?! We've got ten minutes to get to the studio or we'll miss the meeting!! " I say while grabbing Makayla's hand and running down the street. 

"Hurry your gonna be late!!" She says as she runs next to me. 

"I think there's a short cut up here" I said and we turned the corner. We ran down an empty sidewalk when someone came out of one of the buildings and ran into me. I fell on the ground and a hand was stuck out to me. I looked up and it's him. Shawn Mendes. 

"Are you okay? I didn't see you coming." He said while helping me up. 

"I'm fine but I gotta go" I say trying to walk away but he pulls me back. "Wait do you guys want a picture or anything?" 

"Well actually..." Makayla starts to say before I cut her off.

"We're good. We're late for a very important meeting." I say then me and Makayla run off. 

We finally arrive and just in time too. We check in with the lady at the front desk and wait for Jimmy to come and get us. I am so nervous right now. I toted Brian while we waited. Makayla was just going on about Shawn.

Lexi🌮:So I bumped into Shawn today... Literally 

Brian💩: Really what did y'all talk about? 

Lexi🌮: Well we didn't talk really at all because I was late for my meeting. I never even said my name.😂 Don't tell him anything though. I don't want him thinking I  crazy or anything. So just don't mention me.

Brain💩: okay? I won't 😂

I said was responding to Brian when Jimmy came through the door. Here we go I thought to myself. We went into a room and there were intuments everywhere. It was like a music heaven! There were three Men and a lady all sitting down I there. 

"These are the Music producers. This is the head of the Record Label" pointing to one of the men. 

"Hi I'm Lexi." I said nervously 

They all smiled at me and the Jimmy told me to play a few songs for them. I picked up a guitar and started to sing "A Face to Call Home" by John Mayer. They all nodded and started writing on their clipboards. I switched to the piano and started to play. I sang "A Team" by Ed Sheeran because that is what I sang when I got offered this audition. 

At the end they all started whispering to themselves. That made me really nervous. Jimmy showed us around the studio and it was all amazing. He told me about the other artist like Nick Jonas, The Vamps, and Demi Lovato.  

We returned from the studio tour, and met back with the producers. They said that they would contact me within the next few days to let me know what they decided. Well it looks like I'm gonna have to wait for my answer. 

" You were great!" Makayla said happily. 

"Thanks. I really hope they like it! It's always been my dream to perform. I just love music so much. It was literally the only thing that I had when my dad left." 

"I just know that they are gonna sign you!" 

We had Jimmy call us a cab and then we went back to the hotel. Well today was pretty eventful. I just really hope this works out. I kinda do wish I had gotten to talk to Shawn. He seems like a cool guy. 


Thank you guys so much for reading. I've been sick all day so I'm kind of on like a writing spree😂 Hope you guys like reading this story as much as I like writing it. 

Tell your friends about his story if you like it and make sure to comment what you think. Love you guys!


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