Part Eighteen: Forgive and Forget

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I slowly open my eyes and I see everyone sitting around me. I'm laying in a hospital bed and Shawn is sitting to my right and my mom and Nate to my left.

"Lexi!" Shawn said when he saw I was awake. He looks like he's been crying.

"How do you feel Mija?" My mom asked as she grabbed my hand.

" I feel a lot better than before." I look down at my leg and there is a cast on it. 

"You broke your ankle." Shawn said. He was on his knees next to my bed.

"Oh okay. What did the doctors say?" I asked looking around.

"Well you'll be able to leave tomorrow. They want to keep you over night because you hit your head pretty hard. But right now the police need to ask you and Shawn some questions about what happened." I nodded at her and then her and my Nate went to go get them.

"Lexi I'm so sorry. I should have gone after you as soon as you left the gallery, but I didn't. If I had none of this would have happened." Shawn started to cry again.

" Shawn it's not your fault. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you and that I didn't trust you. You were right about Wes and I'm so sorry I didn't believe you." I wiped away a tear that was coming down Shawn's face.

"I promise you that I will protect you and be here for you always." He said and then kissed my hand.

The police came in to question me and Shawn a few minutes later.

"Hello Lexi, we are just going to ask you and Shawn some questions about what happened earlier tonight." I looked at Shawn and he grabbed my hand.

"Okay so what happened after you left the art gallery?" The lady officer asked sitting down in a chair. I explained to her what happened and she was taking notes. As I was telling her what happened Shawn looked as if he wanted to cry again.

Then she asked Shawn a few questions and then they were finished.

"I'm so sorry that any of this happened to you." Shawn layed his head on the bed next to me and let out a few tears.

"Shawn it's okay. It isn't your fault. Can we please just forgive eachother and forget about this?" 

"Yeah. Okay let's do that." He said before kissing my cheek.


The next morning I got to go home. The nurses let Shawn stay with me, I guess they felt bad for him. The nurse gave me a boot to wear which made it easier to walk.

Right now I'm at my house with Shawn watching Netflix in my room. My mom and Nate had to go to work, so Shawn has been taking care of me today. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked getting up off of the bed after our movie finished.

"Yeah I could eat. What do feel like eating?" He asked coming and helping me.

"I don't care, I just want to get out of this house." I laughed and he helped me down the stairs.

"Alright, I know what we are going to do." He said as he grabbed his keys. We walked out to the car and he helped me in. "Okay we have to get fast food, but you get to choose." He said as we pulled out of the driveway. 

"Okay well then let's go get McDonalds!" I kind of shouted and scared Shawn. I laughed so hard.

 "Haha very funny." He said and smirked at me.

We got to McDonald's and there wasn't a line, which made me really happy.

"Yes! No line baby!" I started to dance in my seat and Shawn looked at me and then started doing the same. 

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