Chapter One

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I do not own Naruto. this is strictly fan written.... PLEASE ENJOY!


Chapter ONE

Personal P.O.V

  Today for me was like anyday. My friends and I sat out side in the grass, enjoying our bento's.

"My parents are fighting again," Mali sighed at last, "I can't stand it anymore." I patted her hand and hugged her to me. She was a small kind of girl with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

Mayu spoke up, "Mali don't worry okay? You can always come over to my house if it gets bad... My parents are never home anyway."  her twin nodded quietly.Both had long bright red hair, and hazel colored eyes.

Carly ran over to us, her black hair whipping behind her as she reached us. Her blue eyes sparckling with mischeif. "GUYS!" She yelled with excitment, "I did it!"

I looked at her surprized, "Did what?"

She rolled her eyes, "Passed the exames to join you in school!"

I just sighed,"DUH! you're the smartest one here."

"Saiya!" Lilly yelled at me.

"what its true!" I said giggling. I fell back on the grass letting the sun cover me in its warmth.

The Twins Cece and Mayu sprang up and headed to the stream near by. Mali fallowing behind, with Carly. I just smiled letting the sun soak into my skin.  Lilly laid next to me.

"Sai..." she said quietly.


"Do you ever with you could be somewhere else?" She asked.

"All the time." I answered truthfuly.

I felt her hand squezze my own, and i squezzed back. One day we'd all be happy all the time... I closed my eyes and dreamed of a better world.


I got home late that night and tiptoed to my room. I shut the door and locked it. I was settling in bed when i heard the pounding on my door.

"SAIYA!" He yelled, "OPEN THE DOOR."

I pulled the covers over my head. he was drunk again.

His voiced softend, "Please honey, daddy just wants to talk."

I covered my ears, tears forming in my eyes. Please save me, I prayed silently. As I drifted to sleep I thought of the old days. The days where my father wanted to be around me, wanted to be in my life but sadly, those days were over. 

It wasn't always so bad. There were days when there was no violence, no screaming, just happiness, but when my mother died in that car accident, things were never the same.


The next day I slowly pulled on my uniform for school. a knee length navy blue skirt, white sailor top with a navy blue tie. I pulled on my socks and looked in the mirror. My eye was swollen and forming a purple ring.  I aplied cover up and hid my face in my long brown hair.

i got on the subway to school and sighed. My friends were going to freak when they saw me. I got off on the last stop and walked to the direction of my school. I saw my friends, but before they could see me i ran into the woods. I didnt want them to see me like this i was so a shamed. I didnt see the ledge till it was to late and i was falling off a scream being cut off from the sudden impact of the ground. I moaned in pain, a warmth spreading through my body. I heard someone scream, but i knew it wasn't me. a warmth spread through me and i felt as if my soul was lifting. If this is what it felt like to die... it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be....

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