Chapter Nine

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I Promiced longer. So here you go! :D


As Saiya sliped into her red and white kimono, put on a pair of black leggins and her sandles. She then went to go walk around the town to find something to do. Her hair was tied in a messy braidieth her headband hanging around her neck. The town seemed to move on, rebilding and starting over. Though there was still some uneasiness about what should be done.

Saiya spotted Naruto walking toward the river so she followed him.

"Hey Naruto." Says said as she caught up to him, "What are you up to?"

"Me and Jariah are going on a trip." He said slightly sad, but excited.

Saiya smiled and patted his head, "Well i hope you have fun."

-Naruto nodded, "We're gonna find the new hokage."

She left Naruto after what seemed like and hour and walked around town. People bowed respectivly to her and kept on with their work, feeling her bordum seep in Saiya headed back to Kakashi's. As she walked into the room, her throat dried up.

"W-what happened?" she asked as she knelled down by Kakashi.

"H-he was attacked by the Akatsuki. THey're after naruto." Kurini said. "Sasuke went after them but..."

Saiya nodded and took off. She knew where they'd be staying thanks to Naruto. So she ran toward the hotel. She'd make sure that Naruto would be safe.


She reached Narutos door and knocked on it, "Naruto!?" Saiya asked nervously.

Naruto opened the door, "Saiya?"

Saiya walked into the room and locked the door behind her. "Boy. you cause trouble dont you."

Narutos face became red, "Well... I havent for a long time... so..."

Saiya laughed and hugged Naruto," I'm just glad you are safe."

We Sat on the beds and laughed at some jokes, naruto made. It felt good to laugh. After awhile Saiya desided that everything would be fine. But as she got up there was a knock on the door. Saiya reached for the handle but Naruto beat her to it.

As Naruto opened the door, Saiya's eyes widened slightly. Who were these guys? She thought to herself. the were both wearing black clokes with red clouds, one looked like a shark while the other looked somewhat like Sasuke.

Naruto seemed a bit shaken, while Saiya stood confused.

"I think you might have the wrong room," As Saiya went to shut the door, she was grabbed by her wrist and flung at the wall. Before gasping for breath she felt a cold hand press against her neck. Saiya's eyes widdened, when she realized who they were. Pushing against his arm with as much strength as she could muster she managed to losen his grip. She saw Naruto running for her, but the blue guy stoped him. Keeping calm, Saiya took off a glove and griped The mans wrist, She then began to use her gift. 

He tried to pull away but Saiya held fast, for some reason the pursuation power wasn't working. before she could change her mind she locked eyes with him. It was her mistake, because the next thing she knew was only her passing out and the sound of yelling behind her.  


Naruto watched as Saiya fell to the ground. "SAIYA!" He yelled. "You Basterds."

Just then Sasuke entered the room, "ITACHI!"He yelled as he watched Saiya hit the ground, His already out of control anger turned into blind rage. He went to attack with Chidori but Itachi was to fast and used his sharingan on Sasuke putting him in his own personal hell. Naruto began to get ready to fight, when he saw Saiya slowly start to get up. Her head hung low her hair covering her face. Before Naruto let out his joy he noticed something starnge. As she lifted her head her eyes instead of brown were blazing a bright and angry blue color. Naruto felt afraid of her, the look in her eyes made him want to cower into the cornor. Naruto look around, and his eyes landed on Itachi. He kept his eyes on Saiya, and Kisame seemed to back off slightly.

"Naruto" Saiya said in a voice he never heard before. "Come." And in that moment Narutos body on its own went to Saiya. Itachi looked like he was trying to move but couldn't. When Naruto tried to walk on his own he found that his body was imoble. it only knew to walk to Saiya.

"Look into my eyes." She Whispered seductivly. Naruto flinched, When she touched his shoulder, "Shhhhhh," Naruto stared into her eyes and his world went black.

Jiriah came in at that moment, and it broke the illution. Itachi moved to strike and Jiriah blocked him before he could touch Saiya. Itachi didn't know why but for some reason he really wanted to get to Saiya, and.... Itachi didnt think anymore on it. He needed to leave. So He grabed Kisame, and escaped through the whole in the wall.


(Reader: how did that get there o.o?) (Me: idk.... Jiriah perhaps?) (editor: Just admit your mistake...) (Me; NOOOO >:( i did no wrong) (Editor/reader: .... mmhmmm...)


Jiriah stared at Saiya and gulped. That wasn't Saiya. Before he could get traped, he got behind her and hit the sleeping spot, which made her crumble to the ground unconsious. Jiraiah sighed, as Gai and Neji entered. 

"What happened?" Gai asked

Jiraiah laughed, "Don't ask, Just take Saiya and Sasuke with you."

Gai nodded and picked up Saiya. Neji grabed Sasuke and they went off. back to kohnoha.


Saiya woke up a few hours later, her head aching. Sitting up slowly she looked around, trying to figure out where she was. Her memories came back to her in a flash, only she couldnt remember what happened after she passed out. Looking around Saiya found it was the hospital that she was in. Getting up she began to look around.  She walked out into the hallway and looked through the windows. She found the nursery. The cute babies made her smile. She walked on and eventual hit a room with no windows. As she opened it she saw that someone was behind the curtain.

"Hello?" The person called. Saiya instantly recognized this as Kakshi. She quickly ran to him.

As she reached her bed she saw him sitting up his book in his face. Saiya climbed on to the bed. Kakashi looked up at her surprized. Before he could talk she pulled his mask down and kissed him. Droping his book he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her feircly. tears fell from Saiyas eyes as she looked at him. He brushed them from her face and they both layed down. Holding her tightly he pulled the sheets over them and slowly drifted to sleep with Saiya wrapped tightly in his arms. He finaly felt well enough to sleep, with Saiya in his arms. And only his.


The Long awaited 9th chapter. Finished :D. now i can start on ten. ... Thank you for all of your suport and helpfulness. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave commments. I like them.. Unless they are from tuna fish e.e then you can just keep it to yourself :3 please continue to support and vote, and comment... espesialy that one. 

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