Chapter Three

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A few weeks had gone by and Saiya had become settled in this new world, Although she wasn't happy about the Ninja stuff she learned anyhting to do with medical ninjutsu very quickly. She was pretty strong, and was good at basic combat.She also began to work into some strange abilities, like being able to tell if a person was good or bad, alive or dead, by there heart beat.

 She continuously trained and enjoyed the life she had with the hokage. It wasn;t long till Team 7 was going on the mision to the village hidden in the mist. Sarutobi thought it was the perfect chance to get Saiya out into a mission so she got to tag along. Saiya wasn't a big fan on this, because she had one of those feelings where she knew it was going to be bad.

Their Mission was to excort a man named tuzuna (SP?) back to his village so he could finish his bridge.The old man was a bit grumpy, and not very much fun to be around. No one really liked him, but because it was their mission they pretected him. not long after were they attacked by bandits. Kakashi dealt with them before they could do any real harm to anyone. Naruto had gotten cut but because their blades were poisoned, they had to act quickly. So Naruto cut the wound deep and let it bleed out. When Saiya inspected it she was surprized that the would wasn't as bad as it had looked. She put some disinfectant on it and gave him a lolipop. He was a good patient after all, but as Saiya noticed the group was a little confused around her. Saiya was surprized though, about how quickly kakash hadi delt with them. they got further and all the sudden fog started to roll in... Saiya had a bad feeling This is where the bad feeling had come from. She instinctivly got closer to Tuzuna just in case something bad was to happen.

 A man named zabuza came out fo the fog and started to battle with Kakashi. Sakura and Saiya protected him, while naruto and sauske helped with Zabuza. As Kakashi finaly got out of the Poke... I mean water ball, he began to fight Zabuza. Saiya was so fasinated she couldn't take her eyes off Kakashi. Thats when he came to attack. Startled Saiya Threw her Kuni... Into Zabuza's leg. At the same time an attack from above caught him, and a masked boy came down from the tree, taking Zabuza away.

"well.. that.. was... stange." Saiya comented.

Kakashi chose that moment to faint from lack of energy. Saiya felt herself pale. She quickly ran over to him and kneeled at his body. She checked his pulse, he was still alive.

"Quick!" Saiya yelled, "We need to get somewhere."

"I have somewhere." the bridge maker spoke.


At his house, Saiya didn't leave Kakashi's side. She didn't know why, but everytime she left she felt her self begin to go back to him. She quickly felt his head, no fevor, but she still didnt feel happy about his condition.

"Saiya?" Sakura asked, "How is he?"

Before Saiya could answer, Kakashi himself answered. "Pretty good actualy."

 Saiya sighed and hugged him, "you had us worried sick."

Sakura and Naruto blushed while Kakshi and Sasuke were more shocked.

"What? Don't you guys hug?" Saiya asked, embarassed by her actions.

"No," Naruto and Sasuke said together.

"oh," Saiya blushed, "Sorry..."

Kakshi coughed. the Tuzena (Sp?) entered the room, "It's time I tell you whats been going on." He sighed and sat down and explained about Gato and his goonies.

"You, know whats strange," Kakashi said a little while later, "I think Zabuza;s still alive"

Everyone gasped, "Thats imposisble."

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