They all stood before the Hokage. "And because their are so many of you. We go into the prilimitary round to deside who continues and who fails."
Saiya looked around. She saw alot of people had passed. Kabuto, as she heard him be called, and two other guy's desided to leave, leaving behind one of their team mates. Saiya noticed the two groups of sound ninja. One was of three girls. Two were twins, they Both had long blond hair but one had red eyes the other had blue. The girl with them had long white blonde hair and red eyes. The girl standing by herslef like me had brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. They all looked about 12 or 13. As the computer chose the fist group, (sasuke and that one dude) the rest of us headed up the stairs. Saiya was put by mher father. After Sasuke had won Kakashi poofed him away. a lot of people went, Saiya was proud of Sakura in her match, but as Kakshi came back it was Naruto's turn, Saiya thought he actualy thought of how to win. When it was her turn she felt dreed speeingin into her body.
(IDK how the order goes so we are doing it my way!)
As she reached the bottom, she slowly made her way over to the ninja's. The fight began. Saiya kept her body away from him. She didn't want the attack to come out again, but soon she found herself in a pickle of a situation. She began to block his attacks thankful that the feeling didn't come back. As she slowly worked into the offense, she didn't realize her body starting to weaken. As he punched her in the face she flew back. and caught his next attack. Not realizing what she was doing, She felt her power flow through him. She pushed for more of it and pushed it into him until he was kneeling at her feet. The crowd gasped but she didn't hear them, her eyes had turned into a neon blue again only blazing with color, She grabed his face pulling him close to her. She heard murmurs. Haiyatai coughed, before his eyes widdened in horror. Saiya had parted her lips and was sucking his soul from his body. She felt her body becomeing more and more powerful, her body beging to gain color, as the guy began to lose his. Feeling as if something was trying to stop her she turned up the prosses. She could hear crys of pain and anguish mixed with pleasure.
Saiya snapped out of it and dropped him. She backed up and held her head, closing her eyes. As she slowly opened her eyes, her eyes fadded back to the original color. She blinked a few times. She began to look over to where her oponet lay and all the color faded from her body. She felt bile rise up in her throat. No one said anything as medical team ran in. Saiya stood there and watched him be taken away. She had won.
There were fights after her. The one that made people for get her was when Lee and Gaara were fighting. Saiya bit her tumb, remembering her own. She didn't realize the Hokagae's hand on her shoulder till he squezzed. Saiya sucked in a breath as a tear fell from her eye. She had a lot to fix with herself. Not feeling up for anymore Violence Saiya was escorted out after the fight with Shikamaru was over. Not paying any attention to the fate that would soon land her.
-after the fights-
People picked a number out of a hat. there were atleast 16 or 17 of us. I picked my number and silently awaited who I'd be versing. Once that was taken care of My father spoke.
"Because everyone is exausted, we will head into the final test in one month. Thank you for your coroprtation. You may go." My Father walked over to me and we both went home together.
When we arived in Kohnoha, I was put in his office. My head hung and he sat there silently before speaking.
"Saiya, I know what you did was not like you. You didn't mean to kill him." I looked up at my father tears in my eyes as he continued to speak, "I've only seen that technique once before in my entire life. I was twelve years old at the time. Their was a girl in my class, her name was Suma Urhi." As soon as he said the name a tall woman, with long white hair, and peircing blue eyes entered the room, "This," He said, "Is her." I noticed she didn't wear a headband. Though she was suposed to be her fathers age, she looked 20.
Her voice was clear and strong, "You will be with me, training. till the exames. No excuses go grab your things." I quickly got up and went to go do as told.
I packed my walet, wepons and changes of cloths. I looked at my dresser with the formal picture of me and Sarutobi a week after anouncing that I was his daughter. I took the picture out of the frame and put it in my bag.
As I exeted the house Suma was their wating for me. She began walking Saiya following after her. I looked at all the things I was leaving behind. Sure it was all a month, but... I wanted to stay, but this thing I do, needs to be fixed, contorled. And I Know Suma will help me.
Took one last look befor leaving. My first trip out of the Village. Exciting stuff was going to happen.
Sorry about the shortness of this chapter, but I'm overly hyper about the next chapter. Just to let you know. If you haven't guessed it. All Saiya's friends are in the Naruto world. You wont learn how they died untill you read their own books. I desided this would be a cool thing to do.
You will never see anyones P.O.V unless its The Charactors book or the Narator. I realllly hope you with comment and vote. i enjoy it, I welcome it.... unless you're gonna be mean then i say keep it in your pants tuna fish e.e <- glare face...
Anyway thank you everyone who has supported me thus far. You guys give me insperation. OH! by the way If you have any theme song idea's dont hesitate to suggest. The best one will be used for this book. I will do the same for all my up coming ones as well.
and in that note.... Dont be a mean tuna fish :D comment and vote. Unless your mean. Cuz if your mean you can just keep it in your pants you tuna fish :)
thank you,
Amarissa P;
New Winds (Book One-Saiya)
RandomWhat would you think if one day you died, and woke up in a different world? Saiya was a girl who struggled in life and in one instant her life was over. Only to start a new one, and maybe even heal her old scars.