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A/N: Trigger warning, so please, read at your own discretion. <3 

                     Thunder rumbles in the distance, signaling the rain that starts pouring afterwards, drenching everything. People walking down the street now hurry their pace, opening umbrellas or hiding underneath newspapers. Lightning streaks across the sky, illuminating the town briefly, before disappearing as the thunder takes on its role. A young girl stares out at the people from under the branches of a sakura tree in the nearby park. She carefully wraps her tattered yellow cardigan around her frail form in a futile attempt to keep herself warm. The tree doesn't provide the best protection but it blocks out most of rain from hitting her. The area of town quickly thins out, leaving the girl alone with the sound of the storm raging above her. She loses herself in thought until she notices a short haired girl running down the street in a panic. She freezes as another rumble of thunder rolls through before running off into the night.
"Haruhi wait!"
                 She looks further down the street to see a male crossdresser chasing after the girl breathlessly. Truly strange to her. She watches with vague interest as he/she runs down the street until he disappears. Once they're gone, her gaze falls down to the sleeves of her cardigan. The edges are dirty, fraying, and riddled with holes. She pushes up the sleeves with a sigh and stares down at her pale wrists. Dark, angry looking cuts mar the once smooth surface along with white paper thin scars. Guilt washes over her briefly as her mind goes back to the events that led to the scars. She pulls the fabric back down in a huff and tries to focus her mind on something else to fight the temptation burning in her brain. The small razor blade in her pocket suddenly feels like its fifty pounds. The lightning flashes again and distracts her from the internal struggle from her addiction.
                  The sun had just dropped below the horizon but the usual foot traffic hid from the storm, safe and warm in their cozy little houses and their cozy little families. She scoffs and turns away from the street, instead lifting her icy blue eyes to the tree's branches. A tiny droplet of rain falls perfectly between all of the flowers and leaves to land perfectly on her nose. She giggles lightly and wipes it away before her jealous thoughts about the families intrudes again to make her feel sad and alone. She feels the all too familiar urge and caves, pulling the small blade out and pushing her sleeves back. With a shaking hand, she carefully carves lines across her wrists, relishing the feeling she gets as the pain arrives with the blood slowly dripping off her arms and onto the grass below her. She forces herself to stop after six new lines are added to her 'collection'. After wiping her blade on the grass and pocketing it, she gets to her feet and moves out into the open to stand in the rain. She stands sill, arms out, palms up, letting the rain wash away the blood and the emotions running down her cheeks. Her silvery hair soaks quickly, clinging to her face in thick knotted clumps. The cold rain feels like heaven to her but she knows that as the night wears on, she will likely get very cold and sick. The streetlight next to her flashes then slowly brightens. She checks her arms to find that one is still bleeding heavily, so she cups a hand around it for pressure. The blood seeps through her fingers, turning the rainwater pink. Panic sets in as her vision blurs and she hits her knees before her eyes fall closed.

                       A blond haired boy stands with his dark haired friend underneath an umbrella, his eyes trained on the park across the street. More specifically, on the silver haired girl standing in the rain with her arms outstretched. He asks his partner if he knows what she's doing, drawing the other one's attention. The dark haired boy adjusts his glasses with one slender finger before looking in the girl's direction.
"Oh, that's the homeless girl. She's never in the same place for long, making it hard for anyone to help her for longer than one night. She's probably enjoying the clean water." He replies, adjusting his umbrella.
The blond arches a brow, wondering how his stoic friend knew about the girl at all.
"I know everything."
                   With an eye roll, the blond turns back to the homeless girl. She's clutching an arm now and her body is wavering. The girl suddenly collapses and the boy jumps into action, dropping his umbrella and dashing across the street and into the park. He slows down as he gets closer, ignoring the rain and mud ruining his school uniform. The girl in front of him is frail and sickly looking, worrying the boy further, but he reminds himself that with her situation, it's to be expected. Her clothing is grungy and soaked through, making him feel worse for the poor girl. He kneels in the mud and puts his fingers to her neck to check her pulse. She's breathing fine and he lets out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. His gaze travels to her wrists where she'd held it before and can't hold back the gasp that escapes him at the sight of the amount of cuts on her arms in various states of healing. There are a few that look angry but are older and six that had very recently stopped bleeding. She must've passed out from blood loss. The rain stops around them suddenly and he glances up to find his friend holding an umbrella over them.
"She cuts herself." The boy mutters quietly.
"I know. I've seen it before. Not much can be done about it though. She doesn't linger around long enough to receive help. I had someone collect some supplies you can leave her though." The dark haired boy hands the bag to the blond before crouching beside the girl.
               The dark haired boy cleans her wounds with a well-practiced ease before wrapping both of her forearms with gauze. The pair carefully carry her back underneath the tree out of the rain. The blond investigates the bag to find a clean change of clothes around her size, a pair of shoes, a blanket, a small pillow, a bag on nonperishable foods, and several bottles of water. He frowns as he pulls out the pillow and blanket, worrying about her getting sick because of her wet clothing. After getting reassured that she'd be fine underneath the blanket and she'd likely let the heat dry the blanket out in the morning, he gently puts the pillow underneath her head and cover her body and the backpack underneath the blanket.
"I'll call the limo to pick us up."
                     His friend leaves him alone to stare at the girl with worry plainly written on his face. He remembers her wounds and peels back the blanket to search her cardigan pockets. He lightly pats them to find the one with the razor blade in it. Once he finds it, he pulls it out and lays it on the ground beside him. He pulls out his wallet and finds an old receipt inside.
"Hey, do you have a pen?" He calls out. His response is a pen bouncing off the back of his head. He picks it up and scribbles out a small note on the back before placing it in the pocket where the razor had been. He picks up the blade and his umbrella before rejoining his friend, dropping the blade in the trash can as they walk to the limo to take them to their homes.

A/N: So, this is chapter one. I had discovered a *very* rough draft of this in my ever-expanding folders of bits and pieces, and decided to revive it. Chapters will come when I can, so stay tuned~! 

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