Truth or Dare

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                    Haruhi and Nozomi find themselves sitting in a circle with the others. Haruhi was forced to sit across from Nozomi, between Honey and Kyoya, while Nozomi was trapped between Kaoru and Tamaki. The girls exchange looks of 'help me' as a bottle is placed in the center of their circle. Honey-senpai wanted to play truth or dare and of course Tamaki and the twins thought it was a great idea. Tamaki tells them all that since Honey picked the game, he got to go first. They'd spin the bottle and the target would be whoever it landed on, then they would spin. Honey wiggles into the circle and spins the bottle. All eyes follow the neck of the bottle until it slows to a stop in front of Nozomi. She looks up, wide eyed at the enthusiastic blond.
"Truth or dare Nozomi-chan?"
"Uh- truth?"
"What is your favorite flavor of cake?"
She sighs in relief, remembering Honey's lighthearted nature and tells him that it's chocolate. She reaches out and spins the bottle. It lands on Tamaki.
"Truth or dare, Tamaki-senpai?"
She notices the smug look on his face as he looks past her to Kaoru. "Dare, my sweet daughter, since I'd do anything for you."
Nozomi smirks at Haruhi before telling her dare. "Well, since you're the 'Daddy' of the Host Club and Kyoya is the 'Mommy', it would only be right to see Mommy and Daddy kiss."
Kyoya and Tamaki both turn paper white as they stare at her in horror. Everyone else was rolling in laughter.
"Where did that idea come from Nozomi?" Hikaru laughs between fits of laughter.
"Let's just say, it came to me in a dream." She answers, grinning at Tamaki. "Come on Senpai, you said you'd do anything for me."
He swallows and reluctantly makes his way over to Kyoya. The men are glaring at each other through the horror and Kyoya threatens to kill Tamaki if he touches him.
"This is like my dream..." Tamaki whines in a whisper.
Everyone watches, enraptured, as Tamaki closes his eyes and moves to kiss Kyoya's cheek. Hikaru, who had snuck away from his spot, moves to Kyoya's side and gently 'falls' into him, causing his head to turn at the last second, and Tamaki's lips fall on Kyoya's. Laughter ensues as Kyoya and Tamaki attempt to scrub away what had happened, both shuddering in disgust.
                              The game continues after that, the men picking dare more often than not while Haruhi and Nozomi mainly stuck to truth. They both thought it was safer that way. Nozomi watches the bottle land on her once again, this time it was Hikaru's question. And that one simple question, drew everyone's attention to her.
"Hero said that you stayed with him for a while, the ones we saved you from. What did you do while you were there?"
"Long story or short story?" She asks with a sigh, noting their interest.
"Long story Nozomi-chan!" Honey chants.
"We're here all night, so we may as well." Kyoya adds.
She notices him pull out his notebook and a pen and she rolls her eyes.
"Well, I'd been on the streets for less than a month, and I was on the move, looking for somewhere to stay." Nozomi begins, thinking back. "I stumbled into the main Faceless above-ground territory without realizing. I stopped in an alleyway to rest and was quickly tackled and pinned down by three boys. They insisted I was a spy and brought me to their leader, hoping to kill me. It turned out to be Hero and he took me in. he assigned the trio to take care of me and teach me to fight and defend myself. I learned quickly and we all got close as friends and teammates. We were always getting into something and it made me feel like I had a purpose. Things were great for a while until Shinji started acting differently toward me. The three would carry on quiet conversations when I wasn't in earshot, and I'd overheard a few times their complaints about Hero showing favoritism toward me. I pushed it all away and tried to forget about it. One night, Shinji asked me to go patrol with him and I agreed, wanting to apologize to him and try to make things better. He led me to the outskirts of the city and into an old building. He drew a knife and attacked me, leading to a huge fight. The whole time he was telling me how much of a nuisance and a waste of space I was, that everyone hated me for making Hero turn soft. That he should have killed me the day they found me..." She trails off, staring down at her lap. "I made it out alive, he left me for dead after casting one last threat. He said if I were to return to the Faceless that he would ensure my death. He had beaten me viciously but my worst wound came from his knife. He sliced my stomach open, not deep enough to hurt my organs, but I bled until I passed out. When I came to, I started wandering again, and that's what I did up until you guys rescued me. They would find and harass me every chance they could, as you saw." She lifts up the hem of her shirt to reveal a jagged scar running from her right side, around her stomach in a downward arc that disappeared into the waistline of her shorts on the left.
                          Nozomi lets her shirt fall and looks up around the circle at her friends. Honey had started crying, burying his face in Mori's shoulder. Haruhi looked horrified and to her surprise, Kyoya had stopped writing in his notebook. She could hear Tamaki practically sobbing next to her while the twins were in a stunned silence. They'd heard the gist of the story from Hero, but now they knew he didn't know the details of her leaving. She glances down to find both of her hands were being gently held, one by Tamaki, the other by Kaoru. When she looks up again, Haruhi breaks out of her emotional state to give Nozomi a pointed look. Nozomi raises her eyebrow in confusion and mouths 'help' to her, causing Haruhi to face palm. Nozomi sighs and gently removes her hands from the boys' hands.
"So, uh, are we going to continue playing or-?"
"Keep going! I have some wonderful truths that I want to ask people." Hikaru pipes up.
She shrugs and spins the bottle again landing on Haruhi.
"Haruhi, You have to-"
"You can't ask me about that Nozomi, so think again." Haruhi cuts her off.
"You're no fair... Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?"
Haruhi sighs. 'The girl can ask me if I like anyone but can't realize when two boys are practically drooling over her.'
"Perhaps. I hadn't really thought about it much."
the turns continue until it lands on Hikaru again who in turn gets to ask Tamaki a question.
"So Boss, if you had to pick Haruhi or Nozomi to stay with forever and never see the other again, who would you pick?"
"I-I-uh, my daughters! How could I ever choose?"
They all watch as he looks back and forth between the two girls, blushing slightly as he glances at each, his rambling continuing.
"I think you broke him." Kaoru mutters.
                          Tamaki snaps out of it finally, muttering incomprehensively before claiming he simply couldn't make such a choice. When he spins it lands on Kyoya before it jumps to Mori then to Kaoru who picks dare. Honey leans up and whispers something into Mori's ear before sharing a look with Hikaru that doesn't go unnoticed by Nozomi.
"Honey says you have to confess tonight or he will do it for you."
Everyone else looks at Mori in confusion while Kaoru shoots a glare at the short boy.
"Team Kaoru!" Honey cheers, clapping his hands.
"I think we should watch movies now. Movies are fun!" Tamaki cuts in, laughing nervously as he drags Nozomi away from the circle.     

A/N: This chapter was a little 'meh' for me to write. I tried to make it a mix of funny and serious and of course had to add Honey playing matchmaker for Team KaZomi. 

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