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A/N: Gore and violence warning in the music video above if you watch it. Just saying...

                    The plane touches down in California ten hours later, and Nozomi and Haruhi were questioning their sanity. They had no idea it would take that long to reach California and being trapped in tight quarters with the Host Club was unbearable. As the girls exit the plane in front of the others, they cheer at the fresh air and sweet freedom. Their annoyance is quickly forgotten as they take in the heat and salt water air. The ocean was within eyesight to their left. Kaoru and Tamaki flank Nozomi's sides and smile down at her.
"It's pretty, isn't it?"
"I've never been outside of Tokyo. This is amazing." She mutters, awestruck.
"Well, welcome to America. Prepare to have fun!"
                      A limo pulls up near the plane and the chauffeur loads all of the luggage as the Host Club climbs inside. Nozomi and Haruhi spend the ride to the hotel with their eyes glued to the windows, taking in the people and the scenery. The limo stops in front of a very large elegant hotel with the name Shinwa printed on the doors. Kyoya checks them into their rooms while the girls are still distracted by the hotel itself. Nozomi briefly wonders if their whole trip will be like this but thankfully the twins snap her back to focus by lightly tugging her hair.
"You're supposed to have fun on this trip, not zone out and stare like a tourist." They tease.
"But I am a tourist. And you all never explained why we're here."
"To have a little fun on our school break of course." They insist but the look on their faces show they're hiding something.
"You all have an ulterior motive, I can see it in your eyes." She whispers before turning to Haruhi. "Haruhi, Plan Arin Danny is a go!"
"What are you talking about?" Kaoru asks, raising a brow.
"N-Nothing. Nothing at all... Haruhi, meet me in the lobby at two a.m. bring the hair dye."
Haruhi laughs at the girl's request then notices a key card dangling in front of her from Tamaki's fingers.
"The girls will be staying together in one room, Hikaru and Kaoru in another, Honey and Mori, and Kyoya and I will have the last one. Let's settle in everyone!" Tamaki cheers as he hands out the keys.
                      Haruhi and Nozomi lock their door immediately after entering, then take turns showering and dressing in lighter clothes for warmer weather. Nozomi dresses in a pair of jean shorts and an oversized white blouse, then pulls her hair into a pony tail. It was an outfit that Honey-senpai had picked out when they went shopping. There's a knock on their door while Haruhi is showering so Nozomi slides off the bed and answers it. It's Tamaki, dressed in khaki shorts and a button up. He smiles down at Nozomi and asks if he can take her to lunch. She nods but insists she tell Haruhi where she's going first. She closes the door, leaving him in the hallway, and knocks on the bathroom door. Haruhi answers, fully dressed with a towel on her head. She tells Nozomi to have fun and to 'pick up the hair dye' while she's out. After grabbing her phone and slipping on a pair of shoes, Nozomi opens the door again to find Kaoru and Tamaki glaring at each other.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"Nothing." Kaoru mutters, looking away from the blond. "Have fun with Tamaki."
He turns around and goes back into his hotel room, leaving them alone.
"Care to explain?" She prompts Tamaki.
"It's nothing. He might be cranky from the jet lag or something."
She rolls her eyes and allows Tamaki to lead her through the hotel and into a car.
                        When they arrive at the restaurant, the Hostess leads them to a table in the middle of the restaurant. Tamaki lets Nozomi sit first, carefully pushing her chair back up to the table before he sits down. Her eyes drift around the restaurant, studying the expensive tablecloths, plates and silverware, and the roses and candles settled in the center of each table. Her eyes finally rest on Tamaki to find him staring at her, the candlelight making his violet eyes sparkle. She feels herself get lost in his eyes as she fights to look away, she finds she can't. Her focus returns when the waitress comes up to them and pours sparkling water into their champagne glasses, then asks what they would like to eat. It's then that Nozomi realizes she hadn't even touched the menu that was placed in front of her. She looks to Tamaki for help and he laughs before ordering for her. After the waitress walks away, Nozomi thanks him while blushing.
"Thank you for coming to lunch with me Nozomi. We don't get to hang out very often."
"I feel bad that we don't. I have fun when I'm with you." She smiles sweetly.
"I do as well. I'm glad we've gotten close."
They talk and joke casually until their food arrives, then eat in a comfortable silence.
                                After their lunch, Tamaki leads her out onto the sidewalk and they begin to walk. He keeps their conversations light and jokes about the people and things they see. He stops at a street vendor's booth and puts on a very girly sunhat, then asks how he looks. She giggles and tells him that it suits his personality perfectly. His face drops into a mock pout as he returns the hat to the booth. They continue on and Nozomi blurts out a question before she could really think about it.
"Can I tell you something, honestly?"
Tamaki looks down at the silver haired girl in surprise but nods.
"I-I never got to truly thank you, for everything. If you hadn't helped me that day, I'd probably be dead, and I'll always be so grateful for it."
She glances up at him to find his cheeks tinted pink.
"I-uh, you're welcome Nozomi. I'm so glad that I saw you that night. You've become such a wonderful part of my life. I don't know what I'd do without you."
She blushes at his response and the way his eyes seemed to bore into hers.
"T-Tamaki..." She stutters out as he draws closer and closer to her.
She can feel her heart race faster and faster, her pulse echoing in her ears as she stands frozen to her spot. Her eyes close as his breath tickles her face, her mind and heart fighting themselves over what is happening. His arms wrap around her slender frame and gently pulls her into a hug. Her eyes snap open wide in shock, but starts to hug him back. Her emotions swirl into a mix of surprise, joy, disappointment, relief, and confusion. He pulls away from her a moment later and smiles, making her halfheartedly smile in response.

A/N: NoMaki action! I promise things will get more 'interesting' within a chapter or two. I feel like things are maybe getting too filler-y but I promise I have big plans coming! Home life has gotten- questionable, for lack of a better word, so my writing skill/attitude may lack for a little bit and I may not write as often. Send positive vibes please. <3

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