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                              A few hours later, Nozomi and Kaoru are the only two awake. The whole time, Tamaki had done everything in his power to keep Nozomi and Kaoru apart, which only confused her more. He was the second one to fall asleep, Honey being the first. Before falling asleep Honey reminded Kaoru of his dare which made Tamaki and Kaoru even more jittery. Tamaki was the next to fall, followed by Kyoya, Hikaru, Haruhi, and then Mori. Nozomi shuts off the movie and the tv before they both get to their feet. She walks over to the light switch and turns off the lights for that part of the room, leaving the set closest to the door only dimly lit. She turns to Kaoru who rubs the back of his neck nervously before asking if she'd like to take a walk with him. She nods and follows him out into the halls, her socked feet padding quietly across the floor.
"So, did you and Haruhi have your girl talk like you wanted?" He asks trying to sound casual.
"Yes, but she didn't really help. She just asked all of these confusing questions." She huffs in response.
"Well, what were you wondering about? Maybe I could help."
"It's about the rivalry between you and Tamaki still. She said it was because you both wanted the same thing but didn't know how to react to it, then something about butterflies and sicknesses? Now Honey-senpai is being weird and all of it leads back to you." She explains, causing Kaoru to pale slightly.
"It's really complicated Nozomi..." He begins.
"I'm not as stupid as people seem to think. So, try me Kaoru." She challenges, her eyes lit by the moonlight from the windows.
                         Kaoru doesn't answer her immediately, instead he takes her hand and pulls her closer to him. Her anger forgotten, she wraps her arms around him tightly, breathing in his cologne. His face rests against her hair as he sighs, the scent of berries filling his nose from her shampoo. His arms gently tighten around her as he speaks, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Have you ever wanted so desperately to say something but you were worried the outcome? The words threatening to spill out at any given moment but the fear of the unknown kept you silent?"
"What do you mean?" She asks, looking up at him.
"When we came back from California, the night we watched movies together, I asked if I could be honest with you and you said I could. I told you things and you'd fallen asleep before I even began without my realizing. I told myself that I would tell you again, when you were awake and I got so close a few times but we were interrupted or I shied away. Hikaru and Honey have it figured out and apparently are taking it upon themselves to get me to tell you."
"Then why not tell me and get it over with so they'd leave you be?"
"It's not that simple but it may be my only option. If I tell you, please, don't let it change anything between us." He pleads quietly, staring into her eyes.
"I don't think there's anything on the Earth that could change us. Besides, even if I wanted to stay away from you, I doubt it would work. You guys are pretty persistent." She jokes, small smiles crossing their faces.
                     Kaoru leads her away from the windows and they stop again the main staircase, sitting a few steps up. He angles himself to where his knee lightly touches hers, then takes her hands in his. A sigh escapes his lips as he braces himself to tell her what he'd been holding back for a long time.
"I-I care about you a lot Nozomi. You're one of the most important people in my life, next to my twin of course... I can't imagine what my life would be like if you weren't by my side. I think you're beautiful, smart, funny, and just amazing. I-I, I'm not good at fancy words or things like that and this all sounds stupid, like a sappy story..." He trails off.
"I don't understand."
"Maybe this will help." He whispers, bringing his hand up to lightly touch her jawline. He slowly brings her face toward his as he leans in. Her eyes widen as his close and their lips meet. Her own eyes drift closed as she melts into the kiss, her first kiss. She feels a strange sensation in her stomach, akin to the butterflies that Haruhi mentioned, then it all... clicked. She breaks the kiss and shuffles away from him, her eyes wide and heart beating wildly.
"I-I-I... I have to think..." She whispers, standing suddenly and leaving a stunned and heartbroken Kaoru behind.
                                   The next morning, Kaoru wakes up as the others do, his eyes scanning the room for Nozomi. His brother joins his side noticing his attitude change. Kaoru asks if he'd seen Nozomi and he shakes his head, so they turn their attention to Haruhi who had been up before everyone else. She denies seeing her as well, so she calls the girl's cellphone. It rings several times before it picks up. The three sigh in relief as they ask where she is. Her voice comes through, sounding scared and choked up.
"H-Haruhi? I-I'm scared." She says.
Their hearts drop as the twins call everyone over and Haruhi switches it to speakerphone.
"Nozomi, where are you? What happened?"
"She's perfectly fine. She's safe with us, right Nozomi?" A masculine voice responds, the sounds of her crying echoing behind it. "Now, here's the plan, okay Kids? If you want your precious toy back, you will not inform the police or any private forces you may have. One to three of you may come to pay and retrieve her, no more than that. Any found skulking around will be killed immediately. I will send the coordinates and the amount. Oh, and before I forget, you've got four hours or she dies."     

A/N: DRAMA BOMB! Also, KaZomi bomb! So, I hadn't planned on them kissing but it just fit. But, fear not NoMaki shippers, Kaoru and Nozomi aren't together yet. Thoughts? Anger? Happiness? Cake?

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